Shyam kumar

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since May 21, 2006
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Recent posts by Shyam kumar

I wanted to know how is the job market for Java developers in Financial services domain like employee benefits and pensions in UK? I have 6 years of experience but it is mainly in healthcare domain. I have an offer from a company which specializes in employee pensions and benefits. I wanted to move towards consulting in an years time. Does anyone know what kind of rates this domain consultants get and what kind of salary do the perm employee of around 7 yrs of experience get?
13 years ago
Hi Java Guru's. I have a very simple question.
Can I have jdk 1.6 and only jre5 to execute a java class? Is jdk backward compatible with jre?

Actually i have a scenario. I wanted to write a code to use woodstox parser. Now in documentation it is written that it requires jdk 1.6 wheras I have jdk 1.5 and jre 1.5
I got compilation problems while writing the code. I then installed jdk 1.6 and jre 6. The compilation problems got resoleved and I was able to run the code successfully.
But now I have been told that we cannot change the jre version from 5 to 6. So I was just wondering if I can still have my code run on Jre5 which is compiled using jdk 6

14 years ago
Hi All,

I want to create a powerpoint slide dynamically and I'm using poi-scratchpad-3.2-FINAL-20081019.jar for it. I'm able to add all the stuff properly except Notes. I want to know whether it is possible to add notes to powerpoint using POI-HSLF api?
If not are there any alternate solutions available for adding notes to slide?

I would appreciate if you can give any kind of information regarding the same.

Many thanks in Advance,
Thanks Srikant, looks like this is the way to go.
If I get an alternate solution of this problem, I'll share with all you guys. Thanks everyone for enlightening me.
15 years ago
Hi Paul, From the feedback that I got from our tester is that it is not possible to disable javascript dynamically through Ruby!!! So that is the reason why I was thinking whether there can be a possible solution for this using java
15 years ago

Shyam kumar wrote:Ok Guys, thanks for taking interest in this. Let me explain why I need the javascript to be disabled.
We have a web app which is functionally tested by ruby scripts. These ruby script test functionality of the site only when javascript is enabled. Now we need to write ruby scripts which test the functionality of the site when javascript is disabled. Our tested did some initial research and did not find any way to disable the javascript through ruby.
I'm thinking of writing a simple standalone java program which disables and enable the javascript dynamically. This java program can then be executed by ruby script before performing the funtional test.
I just hope I have made myself clear here.

Hi Bibeault,

We are working in XP agile methodology in which continuous integration and testing is an integral part of development process. You may know this but let me explain in a little detail.
Our business analyst gather business requirements and break them into small stories.
Those stories comes in the form of a story card to us for development.
When me and my pair completes the stories, we hand over the story card to the Tester.

The role of our tester is a little different here. The tester do not perform the unit test because we test drive our code so unit test are a part of Junit test suit.
In our team the tester writes ruby scripts that emulate the end user behaviour and test the business functionality. These new scripts are added to the existing ruby test suite and then after each successful build, the entire suite of ruby scripts run which ensures that the new functionality has not broken any existing functionality. These ruby scripts run unattended and performs tasks such as opening the IE browser, passing the site url and then performing operations such as registration or login; adding some user-credentials and checking if successful login is done or not.
Now wherever these scripts run, they run unattended; we cannot manually disable or enable javascript and then let the ruby scripts run.
By default javascript of our browser remains enabled so these scripts test functionality in which javascript is enabled.
But now we need to test our site's functionality when javascript is disabled. In such a scenario we need a way to disable javascript dynamically so that the new variations to our ruby scripts can be added. If we have a java code that disables this javascript of browser dynamically then we will be able to run our ruby scripts for testing our site's functionality when javascript is disabled.

Does that give you a better idea of the overall discussion?

15 years ago
Nobody's... Please read my query.
15 years ago
Hi Paul, I'm sorry if by asking my question it is felt that I'm trying to take advice on how to breach security of browser
In my previous post I explained exactly why we need to do this. And all I'm looking for is an answer from this community whether it is possible through java or not.
If not then, I'm curious to know the reason and if yes then at least I know I'm thinking in the right direction.
15 years ago
No Thanks, I want to keep it here. If I don't get any solution from this forum, I'll request for the post to be moved.
15 years ago
Thanks Paul/Ulf for the suggestion, I'll post this query there too to see if this thing is possible through Ruby or not. But from java point of view, is this thing possible in Java?
15 years ago
Hi Dittmer,

Ruby scripts open the IE browser and then start performing the functional test's on in like clicking the clicking on the register link, enter a test user details, then submitting the registration request. Checking if the user is logged in or not after successful registration. These scripts emulate the user behavior and do functional testing the complete website.
These ruby scripts launches the IE browser and then replicate the end user behavior and checks whether the functionality is working as expected. By default the browser javascript is enabled so these scripts replicate the end user behavior when javascript is enabled. Now our tester need to write some new ruby scripts which emulates the user behavior when javascript is disabled.
To work on that I want to write a small java code which runs initially and disable the javascript first and then he can ruby scripts.

15 years ago
Ok Guys, thanks for taking interest in this. Let me explain why I need the javascript to be disabled.
We have a web app which is functionally tested by ruby scripts. These ruby script test functionality of the site only when javascript is enabled. Now we need to write ruby scripts which test the functionality of the site when javascript is disabled. Our tested did some initial research and did not find any way to disable the javascript through ruby.
I'm thinking of writing a simple standalone java program which disables and enable the javascript dynamically. This java program can then be executed by ruby script before performing the funtional test.
I just hope I have made myself clear here.
15 years ago

I need to write a java code to disable javascript dynamically in IE6. I'm very curious to know if we can do that? I would appreciate any kind of help.

15 years ago
Hi all,

Raising an old problem yet again... An old ghost from the past haunting me once again .... Again getting the same exception in clustered environment!!!

Inside the webflow, sometimes we are getting the following exceptions. Don't really know what is happening here...

Caused by: org.springframework.webflow.execution.repository.snapshot.SnapshotNotFoundException: No flow execution snapshot could be found with id '2'; perhaps the snapshot has been removed?
at org.springframework.webflow.execution.repository.impl.SimpleFlowExecutionSnapshotGroup.getSnapshot(
at org.springframework.webflow.execution.repository.impl.DefaultFlowExecutionRepository.getFlowExecution(
... 31 more

We are running automated webflow test in a clustered WAS environment, we are really stuck here.

Any kind of help.... any kind of input would be highly appriciated!!!
15 years ago
Hi All,

Im running a web application built with SWF 2.0.6 and Spring 2.5.6/MVC on Resin 3.0.x webserver.

I'm getting the SnapshotNotFoundException exception when I come from subflow to the parent flow. This exception is comming randomly once in every 4 to 5 times of repeating the same flow.
The other weird thing is that I notice this happening on some of our servers and not on others even though the environments are same. I'm not able to debug this thing as this is not happening consistantly

Has someone experienced such issues with the snapshotgroup with the snapshot being lost from the conversation even though we are in the same flow and conversation on successive actions?

See the Strack trace
Caused by: org.springframework.webflow.execution.repository.s napshot.SnapshotNotFoundException: No flow execution snapshot could be found with id '1'; perhaps the snapshot has been removed?

org.springframework.webflow.execution.repository.F lowExecutionRestorationFailureException: A problem occurred restoring the flow execution with key 'e8s1'
at org.springframework.webflow.execution.repository.i mpl.DefaultFlowExecutionRepository.getFlowExecutio n(
at org.springframework.webflow.executor.FlowExecutorI mpl.resumeExecution(
at org.springframework.webflow.mvc.servlet.FlowHandle rAdapter.handle(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet. doDispatch(
at org.springframework.web.servlet.DispatcherServlet. doService(

Any kind of input will be appriciated. Thanks in advance...
15 years ago