Andr� Latour

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since May 22, 2006
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Recent posts by Andr� Latour

Hello Joe,

i would like to know how much "traffic" is on the net depending on the size of transfered objects.

Thankyou for your answers
18 years ago

when i use .getContentLength i only receive -1, although i transfer over 20000 Objects within a Collection via Http.... ???

18 years ago
Hello Joe,

excuse me that was my fault, i thought that the name was self explaining.
You are right, this is a HttpURLConnection. Unfortunately i resolved the following Map after using .getHeaderFields()

{Connection=[Keep-Alive], Content-Language=[en-US], Date=[Fri, 25 Aug 2006 13:39:14 GMT], Keep-Alive=[timeout=15, max=100], Server=[IBM_HTTP_SERVER/ Apache/1.3.28 (Unix)], Content-Type=[text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1], Transfer-Encoding=[chunked], null=[HTTP/1.1 200 OK]}

I cannot find the "Content-Length" field. :-(

Thank you very much
18 years ago
Good morning everyone,

one (simple) question, regarding these lines of code: = this.urlConHttp.getInputStream( );
ObjectInputStream oin = new ObjectInputStream( in );
Collection result = ( Collection ) oin.readObject( );

Now, i want to know how "big" the InputStream is, that was transmitted. Is there a simple solution?

Thanks in advance
18 years ago
Hello Bear,

definitely not! Unfortunately it was not my intention that you assume you should code this for me.

There a many code snippets around the net that deal with special javascript features. I thought that my question is just a "normal" use case that somebody has already programmed and i would unwillingly reinvent the wheel because i am only incapable to find it.

Therefore i would be very happy if some know such a snippet. NOBODY should programme this for me! I am sorry if you misunderstood my intention.
if the worst comes to the worst, i have to become familiar with javascript but this will cost me definitely a lot of time.

Hello everyone,

i am not very familiar with java script and i am looking for a script that has a simple functionality.

Three simple fields should display a time e.g.
12 ^ 00 ^ 00 ^

these fields should not be editable. Only ^ (kind of button) should increase each field (hour, minutes, seconds)

Thanks in advance,
Hello Prashant,

this is only an idea. Is the parameter b.partno a numeric value? In this case i do not know if it is possible to query a numeric value with 'like'.

... as i said, only an idea....

[ July 17, 2006: Message edited by: Andr� Latour ]
Hi Gao,

what exactly is your problem?

Do you want something like this?

Hello Marcus,

Thanks a lot! It works fine!

18 years ago
Hello erveryone,

in my opinion it sounds like an easy question, but i don�t find the right answer.
I have a simple undecorated frame, with only one JPanel inside.
This JPanel has three JButtons inside. (GridLayout (3,1))
Each JButton has an image (like a traffic light).

Now i want this JButtons to be as small as possible. Therefore i designed
three very small images (16x16).

How do i get the JButtons as small as the images are? Now, the Buttons do not get smaller when i take smaller images.
The small images are only centered in the JButton that has the same size as before.

Thanks in advance,
18 years ago
Hello Rik,

only an idea:

After you rebuild your tree, add the "new" rootElement to your DefaultTreeModel

something like this:

[ May 23, 2006: Message edited by: Andr� Latour ]
18 years ago
Hello Steve,

how do you feel about this: pdf handling XML with JDOM:

18 years ago

i need a "always on top" functionality for a Frame (Swing).
Unfortunately it is not possible to use Java 1.5 (which has a new Method .setAlwaysOnTop(boolean) )
Is there a workaround for a Java 1.4 Version? How was this functionality realized with earlier Java versions?

Best regards

18 years ago
Hello Paul,

thank you for your advice. But i do not really understand why it is a problem. My Java application does not do very much of "IBM-Java-specific-things". The Bean Stub-Classes can be compiled with Java 1.5 without any problems. Then there is an simple NameService lookup and a remote call.
I do not really know, where i get the conflict with the IBM Java version.
Excuse me, if this is a silly question, but what do you mean with "Info-Center"?

Thank you very much


i have the following problem.

Due to special Swing features i have to use a Java 1.5 version for a
standalone Java Application. This application should call a SessionBean (via IIOP) that is running within an WAS.
The Server JDK uses a 1.3 Runtime.

When in run the standalone application with Java 1.5 i get the following Exception:

Cannot use a 1.3.x ORB with a 1.4.x JDK
java.lang.Exception: javax.naming.NamingException: Failed to initialize the ORB [Root exception is java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException]

But when i use WebSphere v5 EE JRE (that is acually also a Java 1.4) instead of Java 1.5 everything works (except for my GUI features)

Is it possible to run this setup (Standalone Java 1.5 Applikation against WAS (Java 1.3) Server)? Or are there only specified jars that i have to put on my Java 1.5 classpath?

Best Regards