Chaminda Amarasinghe wrote:
Pradeep Mahajan wrote:
Yang Zheng wrote:........there is no deadline, so as You're beginner You are able to take Your time..........
FYI. The JEE5 version comes up with a deadline for assignment submission.
"Time limit: 12 months from assignment download "
Ronald Wouters wrote:I guess they should make an update to Figure 8.5 in the following text then, because it still mentions "ValueObject".
Kengkaj Sathianpantarit wrote:Value Object is not the same as Transfer Object (TO or DTO pattern).
Value Object means objects that don't have identity. For example, services are Value Objects.
Value Object is an important building block for software design.
However, when I talk about Value Objects, I refer to Domain-Driven Design.
Yang Zheng wrote:Hi, guys, thank you all for replying my post.. that's take it easy..
When i visit amazon, i saw to following books listed for scea:
Sun Certified Enterprise Architect for Java EE Study Guide (Exam 310-051) by Paul Allen
Sun Certified Enterprise Architecture for J2EE Technology Study Guide (Sun Microsystems Press) by Mark Cade
i am actually considering to buy one of this (or both)...
Do you guys recommend me to buy these books? (or are they useful in preparing the exams?)