This can be a nightmare.
These steps take you through all that you will need to do to create a key store, a self signed certificate, export the certificate and then sign the jar
Keystore example:
1)generate key store
C:\j2sdk1.4.1_02\bin>keytool -genkey -alias ozzie -dname "cn=ozzie, ou=engr, o=YourCompanyName, c=US" -keypass ozziepassword -keystore C:\projectname\lib\security\.keystore -storepass ozziepassword
2)generate certificate
C:\j2sdk1.4.1_02\bin>keytool -selfcert -alias ozzie -validity 1000000 -keypass ozziepassword -keystore C:\projectname\lib\security\.keystore -storepass ozziepassword
3)export certificate
C:\j2sdk1.4.1_02\bin>keytool -certreq -alias ozzie -file C:\projectname\lib\security\ozzie.cer -keypass ozziepassword -keystore C:\projectname\lib\security\.keystore -storepass ozziepassword
4)sign the jar
C:\j2sdk1.4.1_02\bin>jarsigner.exe -keystore C:\projectname\lib\security\.keystore -storepass ozziepassword C:\projectname\webApplication\dps.jar ozzie
Note: Assumes java is installed at C:\j2sdk1.4.1_02\ ;-)
Note: The keytool will create the keystore C:\projectname\lib\security\.keystore can be left off to default to the jdk keystore (java.home\lib\security\.keystore), but you really don't not want to mess with the jdk keystore and have to reinstall.
Note: MAKE SURE you write down the passwords used. In this case ozziepassword.
The standard SDK documentation will have both the keytool and the jarsigner in them. They are a little hard to read though.
Another good post is..
How to self sign You should still get a dialog that will ask you if you trust this applet, because it has not been signed by a known Root Authority, but it is good enough for development. Pick 'yes always' and you will be good to go.
Good Luck,