Ram Kumar

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I got the TOGAF 9 study guide and the TOGAF 9 Personal Edition from the TOGAF site.

The Personal Edition is around 800 pages and the Study guide is 200 pages or so.

It appears that I am reading challenged in like 1-1/2 or 2 hours period I have been spending reading the TOGAF 9 personal edition every day I could only read at most 10 or 12 pages each time and at this pace I am thinking it will take me forever to finish this book.

My goal is to take this test (and pass) in a 1-1/2 to 2 months time period from now.

If study guide is all the material I need for this certification I would like to focus my efforts reading this study guide instead (a few times) for this exam.

Could some please share their experience or knowledge on whether reading the 'study guide' alone is enough for TOGAF Foundation 1 Exam?

Or it is required that I read the Personal Edition first before I read the Study Guide for this?

Any info you could provide on this is greatly appreciated.

13 years ago
Unable to download Ivan Krizsan's SCDJWS PDF file.

Getting pdf corrupted and denial by virus scanner. Will appreciate if Ivan or some could point me to the right place so I could download this or email me the pdf document.

email to srkpriv@gmail.com

Thanks a lot.
Thanks both of you!
13 years ago
Thanks Mikalai and Everyone!
13 years ago
I passed SCBCD 5 with 78% on Nov 26, 2010 after 3 weeks of preparation. My voucher was expiring on Nov 30th. Decided to go ahead and took the exam. I started reading Orielly's EJB 3.0 book a year ago. But, then work and family got busy and hence did not do anything until the last few weeks, when it dawned my voucher would be expring. So pretty much forgot whatever I read (of course I have worked in EJBs though) before a year ago, so had to read again in the last few weeks.

I referred to Oreilly's book for EJB3 concepts first in 2009 and then again few weeks ago. I find Orielly Book to be good in two aspects it covers the topics very well and it provides an exercises with code (download) to help you set up and practice. This helped me a lot.

I also read Mikalai Zaikins notes after Orielly. Mikalai, I don't have words to describe how good your notes are and honestly I wouldn't have passed this exam without your notes - Thanks for your efforts.

I did not read anything beyond these two and some practice.

The final week I used Whizlabs practice exam. I took both the learning path tests and practice tests. Whiz labs was good, but one complaint is the the questions in the whizlabs repeat in other tests which I didn't find very good beause you may just choose the answer as you already know it. I found the diagnostic test of whizlabs to be quite difficult, but, I think based on my experience, the whizlabs practice exams difficulty is much less than the actual sun test (oracle now ). I secured on average 90% on all tests except the final test which was 78% same as my sun test. But, I found answers to 3 questions in whiz labs test to be wrong, which would put at 85% atleast in there.

Do any of you guys have a good comparison on the various exam simulators as to which one is good for which test. For ex., for SCDJWS should I go with Whizlabs or choose another mock simulator?.

I found the Oracle SCBCD test to be difficult (I have read in this forum some of the guys said their test to be easier) in my opinion. In addition to be difficult, many questions were quite lengthy that is in some cases I have to scroll below to see the questions and then choose the answers on top of it, I was in the exam for almost the entire time of the exam. My first few questions itself took individually few minutes to read through and attend it.

One more thing that I observed is the the question number was not displayed on the actual test. I didn't notice it initially but after I had taken few questions I saw that, I should have roughly noted down a question number that I am in at that point in my paper for tracking purposes, I did not do that, and later when I was 35 or 40% of the test done and I looked at the time I couldn't figure out whether I about 40% or less. So anyone taking this exam, may be just note down the question # you have taken so it helps you to manage your time better, that is, you can decide to spend an extra minute or two for a question if needed.

My breakup was 66% on ejb 3 overview, 100% on MDB, contracts, 85% on JPA entities, 100% on entity operations, 66% on persistence context and jpql, 80% on transactions, 100% on exceptions and security management.

At the end of the day it feels good to be certified. I have been using this forum to read through other member's experiences and questions etc.

My wish list is to take SCDJWS next, and then follow that up with SOA Architect from SOA School, TOGAF certification (long term goal) (I dont know how strenuous it will be with family and work committments and accordingly make some adjustments ). If possible accomodate CISSP and PMP certification some where in my certification pursuits as well. I have 2-1/2 years available to do all these. So let us see. :

Thanks a lot you all.
13 years ago
Dont lose your heart. How long was your preparation? Did you practice as you read the K&B book. Java can be quite tricky. When I prepared for SCJP 5 earlier the fundamentals on the books are very well given, but the question can be twisted for a different situation and asked. Without practicing those different scenarios it will be very hard to know the outcome. Please practice quite well and then take mock tests as much as you can before you attempt the exam.

13 years ago
Your study guides are wonderful and covers the topics in great depth. Could you please share a PDF version of the SCDJWS 5.0 study notes with me as well.

I would really appreciate it.

Thanks a lot.
13 years ago
Congrats on your result. Great job for a 1.5 week prep.

13 years ago
Hi Dekel,

this link in IBM talks about timer managers. Hope it helps.


I have one quick question to ask you.

Are you using transactions as part of your Asynchronous Beans (using timer managers), if yes, could you please tell me more about the transaction processing with respect to Asynchronous beans?

Originally posted by Dekel Yaacov:
How can I create an Asynchronous beans (Timer manager) via Jython script in Websphere 6.1 ?

thanks in advance

[ November 11, 2008: Message edited by: Ram Kumar ]
15 years ago
I am trying to use Asynchronous Beans in one of my project to leaverage asynchronous processing (basically defer the processing and insulate the client from having to wait until all the processing is done). We are using IBM Websphere 6.1 and Java 1.5.

1) I would like to find out if any you have use this feature successfully in your APP server environment?

2) My idea is to start the async bean from a stateless EJB bean (Container Managed). Will this work? Is there any gotchat/catches here I need to be aware of?

When I run this asynchronous beans (with TX REQUIRED) I see that the EJB starts a transaction (I can verify that by looking at the extendedjtatransaction object of Websphere's getLocalId and getGlobalId() methods). For Asynchronous beans, I see the local id is 0, and global id is null (There is some documentation in IBM site, but that is inadequate, I would like to hear from someone who has used this successfully)

Any quick and timely input on this will be of great use.

Thanks a lot.
[ November 11, 2008: Message edited by: Ram Kumar ]
I have the following doubts;

I have written code through which I send to a queue and received from it. I am trying to understand how can I write code to get information specific to each session (or user or client).

For eg., If I want to get Account Related details let's say for each user who logs in and wants to browse his 'Account' page where I show his/her Orders, Shipping Address, Billing Address and so on for that user.

In this case, how do I send and receive from the queue to a specific user (a session, per client)? Is this where I use 'Temporary Queue' (and JMSReplyTo) as well?

Please let me know.
I am having this issue when calling two AJAX calls from my code.

One is time to run every 3 seconds using windows.setInterval (for 10 seconds) and I call a method which calls a jsp page.

I have another ajax call that calls another servlet which is called manually by user input using onClick.

The first one calls a jsp to fetch a html response which it uses to build the client html (div.innerHTMl += response from ajax call) this is a for a import operation.

The second call (through onclick) basically calls the servlet to cancel the import operation.

Whenever I call the 2nd one the first is also called. I see the time stamps of calls from the first call to java frome the first call consistently happening every 10 seconds. When I do the onclick and call another method in java script to do the 2nd ajax call the first one seems to be called as well. I checked whether I am calling the first method in the 2nd and I didn't.

I dont know what is causing this behaviour. Because, of that the messages to be obtained by the first call gets lost somehow).

I did create my xmlreq obj using new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP"), is the xmlhttp req object commonly used by all AJAX calls?

Please let me know.
you web-context root might change. That means the ones that were referring to URLs within current context will have to refer to new URL with different context.

Also, it can pose problems in terms of login and session management (if you are not using SSO). This decision should be effected provided web application and components are quite independent of each other. So some web pages that work together can be put into another war file
but can still share common code base (java sources etc).

I am debugging my JBOSS JMS application.

I have a single class with following messages. I have just provided the skeleton of the classes to give an idea;

public JMSMessageDrivenBean extends MDB, MessageListener {

ejbCreate() {
system.out.println("created") ;

onMessage(Object msg) {
System.out.println("Inside onmessage") ;


public class JMSMessenger {
pulic void sendMessage(String text) {
// init the connection factory etc.
sender.send(text) ;

public List getMessages() {
receiver.receive(timeout) ;

ejb-jar.xml and jboss.xml both are deployed under (like this, example)

+ classes/
+ META-INF/ejb-jar.xml, jboss.xml

MDB is configured in ejb-jar as 'container'.

When I run the application. One of my jsp calls JMSMessenger.getMessages() which returns a list of messages from queue receiver.

To send messges from my thread application, I call the same JMSMessenger.sendMessage("some message") ;

I see that the messages are send/received. But I dont see onMessage being executed even once. I dont see the ejbCreate being executed as well. The system.out.pritln messages I put in my MDB is not printed at all.
There are no log files and when I pring System.out from my app it goes to server.log.

I am using jboss3.2.x version.

Can anyone please tell me why my MDB methods are not called? Is something wrong with this application.

Any help will be greatly appreciated?
