swati cha

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since Jul 04, 2006
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Recent posts by swati cha

Hi all,

I want to shrink the size of the button can any one give me an idea
<a id="helpLinkID" class="linkButtonArrow">
<span class="buttonLeftArrowCap">   </span>
<span class="buttonMiddleArrow"> ${msgs.helpPB} </span>
<span class="buttonRightQuestionMark">  </span>

Thanks in advance
16 years ago
thanku i got it fixed by passing in to an onject.
16 years ago
Hi all,

I want to take SCWCD 5 certification .Can anyone suggest book for the preparetion and mock tests links

Thanks in advance....
List<SelectItem> sList = (List<SelectItem>)getExpSessionObj().getExpTypeList();
Iterator<SelectItem> iter = (Iterator<SelectItem>)sList.iterator();
While( iter.hasNext();) {
object item = iter.next().;
log.debug("** item value:"+ item.getClass());
String value = item.getDescription();
// log.debug("** item value:"+ value.getClass());
if (value .equals(Constants.RENT)){
RentalExpense rentType = new RentalExpense();
rentType.setLandlord(new ContactInformation());
Expense expense = new RentalExpense();

16 years ago
HI all,

I gave scjp1.5 test in september ,how much time it takes to receive the certificate.any one reply me
can one solve this ?

<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-html.tld" prefix="html" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-bean.tld" prefix="bean" %>
<%@ taglib uri="/WEB-INF/struts-logic.tld" prefix="logic" %>


<%@ page

contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"



<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<META name="GENERATOR" content="IBM WebSphere Studio">

<META http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
<LINK href="theme/Master.css" rel="stylesheet"
<TITLE>ABC, Inc.Human Resources Portal -Employee Search</TITLE>


<font size="+1">
ABC, Inc.Human Resources Portal -Employee Search
</font> <br>
<hr width="100%" noshade="true">
<html:form action="/search">

<TABLE border="1">

<TD align="right"><bean:message key="label.search.Name" />:</TD>
<td><html:text property="Name"/></td>
<td align="right"><bean:message key="label.search.ssNum"/>:</td>
<td><html:text property="ssNum"/>(xxx-xx-xxxx)</td>


<logic resent name="searchForm" property="results">
<hr width="100%" size="1" noshade="true">
<bean:size id="size" name="searchForm" property="results"/>
<logic:equal name="size" value="0">
<center><font color="red"><b>No Employees Found</b></font></center>
<logic:greaterThan name="size" value="0">
<TABLE border="1">
<th>Social Security Number</th>
<logic:iterate id="result" name ="searchForm" property="results">
<td><bean:write name="result" property="name"/></td>
<td><bean:write name="result" property="ssNum"/></td>

</logic resent>

17 years ago
i am getting tag nesting in the following code can any one resolve it?

<%@ page

contentType="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1"



<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
<META name="GENERATOR" content="IBM WebSphere Studio">

<META http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
<LINK href="theme/Master.css" rel="stylesheet"
<TITLE>ABC, Inc.Human Resources Portal -Employee Search</TITLE>


<font size="+1">
ABC, Inc.Human Resources Portal -Employee Search
</font> <br>
<hr width="100%" noshade="true">
<html:form action="/search">

<TABLE border="1">

<TD align="right"><bean:message key="label.search.Name" />:</TD>
<td><html:text property="Name"/></td>
<td align="right"><bean:message key="label.search.ssNum"/>:</td>
<td><html:text property="ssNum"/>(xxx-xx-xxxx)</td>

<logic resent name="SearchForm" property="results">
<hr width="100%" size="1" noshade="true">
<bean:size id="size" name="SearchForm" property="results"/>
<logic:equal name="size" value="0">
<center><font color="red"><b>No Employees Found</b></font></center>
<logic:greaterThan name="size" value="0">
<TABLE border="1">
<th>Social Security Number</th>
<logic:iterate id="result" name ="SearchForm" property="results">
<td><bean:write name="result" property="name"/></td>
<td><bean:write name="result" property="ssNum"/></td>

</logic resent>
17 years ago

I finished my SCJP1.5 and i want to preapre for SCWCD can any sugeest me which i have to follow and mock tests related ....

Thanks in advance...

yesterday i cleared scjp1.5 with 70% ,Thanks to all java ranchers for your help for success of the exam.
17 years ago
import java.io.*;
class Food {Food(){System.out.println("1");}
class Fruit extends Food implements Serializable{
public class Banana extends Fruit{
int size=42;
public static void main(String a[]){
Banana b=new Banana();
b.serializeBanana(b);//assume correct serialization
b=b.deserialize(b);//assume correct
System.out.println("restore" + b.size + " ");

why the output is 121 restore 42?

can any one explain the above code,Thnaks in advance.........
can we overload the method declared as final?
Hi Dolly,

Thanks for your quick responses,can you give me the link for wizlabs i need those tests if you dont mind could just help me to pass the test .i am also new to java ,don't have experience.Do this favour for me..
iam solving the mock exam questions ,scoring 45-50% i have exam in 3 days am i able to pass the test please any one suggest me to improve and get through the test...

i am solving the mock exam questions ,scoring 45-50% i have exam in 3 days am i able to pass the test please any one suggest me to improve and get through the test...