shilpa Reddy

Ranch Hand
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since Jul 26, 2006
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Recent posts by shilpa Reddy

Thanks jan for your detailed reply. I would purchase the prescribed book. I hope that uil also guide me during the course of preparation.Thanks again,
Im looking for following information.

1) what books to read? Is there a specific book dedicated for this exam?
2) Reg UML superstructure spec, which version is more appropriate to so through?
3) How long does it take to prepare for this exam? if i can spend 1 hr everyday.
What is the difference between UM0-100 and OM0-100 exams?
Im to take the certification. but i dont have any idea where to start with. what book should i go through. Are there any online materials. please can you give some info on this. thanks in advance
thanks to all the ranchers for the extended support......concurrency was bit tuff....if you go thru the code examples given in the k&b you shud be able to attend most of the Drag and drop.
17 years ago
vijay the problem is im in office now n cant run it having my exam day if you can give the output n explain it in words wuld be really really helpfull

what will be the result of the above program.....wat is the order of the sysout. can you please explain them....after a start() command will the thread execute the sysout below it or will dit skip that and invoke the run method...wat is the order of execution....please explain....thanks in advance!!!
shuld i buy the whizlab simulators....i donot have the master exam cd can i get them..i read from pdf chapterwise......wat shud i do
im goin to take my exam next week...i went thru k&b once.....wat mock exams shud i is the exam...on wat area you shud concenterate more...are there many questions from regex and scanner classes...king suggest some mock exams that makes you confident for the exam...............thabks in advance
can someone please explain wat v.val does...i dont understand.....
public void amthod(int iOver)
there is a spelling mistake it shud be amethod......
its definite that you get above 90%........stay cool...all the best
17 years ago
how does this bcome the correct answer Bing b=new KAndBExam1(){};

where is that methoed in the bing the full question please
im also to take the exam this month...but i started the preparation only on aug that ok.....wat are the mock exams that you should it very are the drag and drop questions...give us some tips
17 years ago