gangadhar karadi

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since Aug 05, 2006
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Recent posts by gangadhar karadi

I am need of generating an XML file through java code. I want to use SAX or DOM. Please help me in this regard. I don't have much knowledge in xml. Provide me some links or some code

Thanks in advance

Log4j:error setFile(null,true) is the error
18 years ago

Originally posted by Vinod Kumar:

I am working on a existing J2EE application and while starting my WSAD it throws a error in Log4J initialization , log4j:ERROR setFile(null,true) call null/myproject/mylog.log

Can one of you help me? has the File property as /myproject/mylog.log. But always a null is appended.


Hi Vinod, I have also stuck up in the same problem. If have got the solution please mail me the answer my id is
I need it very badly please do me the favour, I am also using WSAD

Originally posted by Anthony Karta:
which link?
why not go for 5? any reason?

Links on SCJP syllabus or the objective.

Originally posted by Satou kurinosuke:
If you're studying for 1.4, then you should stay away from 1.5 books, because they may confuse you. Any particular reason why you don't go for 1.5 instead ?

I had a wrong conecption about the 1.4 and 1.5 earlier so I thought like that but now i have decided to go for 1.5. Because later we have to go for upgrading the certification.

Thank for your suggestion. I have that book with me. But the title is SCJP5. I am worried whether it is useful for scjp1.4 or not. I searched the syllabus but couldn't get find on sun. Can you please send me the link
Hi guys, I am new to java. And I am planning to appear for the SCJP1.4. Suggest me some books for the same and how it differs from SCJP5.