abhishek jethwani

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since Aug 11, 2006
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Recent posts by abhishek jethwani

try to run app again after adding closing tag for H1 (heading one)

12 years ago
if its working in IDE but not in explorer then it could be directory path issue.

you can check with another option create war file deploy it on server directly and check if hows its responding.

12 years ago
hi shawn,

for your query i have to code and see, mean while if you get some solution please update me too.

16 years ago
i think the problem is with session that you create and try to continue.

had you tried it with cookies, i think it will work.

or you can do one thing save the session id once its created for the user and check the login name and allocat same id to the login name.

i think it will work..

pleasee, correct me if i m wrong
16 years ago
refer black book or complete reference they are good with all functionality.
16 years ago
which channel you are using. because as far as i know no channel provide setOutputStream method.
16 years ago
do simple thing
run policytool on command prompt.

set 'Allpermissions' in it and save the file in user directory, with name '.java.policy'.

then try to run your server. i think this will resolve your problem
16 years ago
i don't know in which case you are asking this.

but if its a java application with socket programming then i think you can keep track of the ip from which the client is connecting.

but if it is done with RMI then you can't get the ip as client connect through stub which connected through name - "connecting name which we define" during binding server with rmi registry.
16 years ago
if you talking about web application than you have a option of creating .war files and send to your customer to direclty run over server with JVM on it.

if its a java stand alone application you can do the same by creating a .jar file.

in both of the files you need not to add the code you just have to create these files from the IDE you use and mention the JVM your customer should use.

i think you can use batch file for direct lauch also.
correct me if i m wrong.
16 years ago
you can tranfer the control from one application to another in different way. the two way you have already given.

but i think this also depends upon the framework you use. like if you use Spring you can directly use forward to model and in model you define the url where you want to go, the same way for struts.
16 years ago
when you create a login functionality, you create a session and the attribute for the session. for logout you have to delete all the attributes in session variable which you create within the application and direct that to the login servlet again.

in this way you will attend the logout function as you have observe it on many other sites.
16 years ago
how EJB's can help in understanding business, from BA prospective.
can some one help me out with which SCJP i should go for 1.4 or 1.5.
i am preparing for it :roll: