jeff marsh

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since Aug 16, 2006
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Recent posts by jeff marsh

I think, there is not any strong reason for url-pattern, except security.
1) But you can refer to the given name so you need nt to write full path for the file.
2) If you want your jsp to be treated as servlet, you need to define the pattern for that.

18 years ago

Its 'Cse overrided method is having a signature referance from the super class only.

Just take a look at the following example.

Class First{
public void method11(){
public void method22(){

Class Second extends First{
public void method22(){
public void method33(){


Class caller{
public static void main(String ar[]){
First ref = new Second();
ref.method11(); ////executed from First
ref.method22(); ////executed from Second
ref.method33(); ////GIVING ERROR, No method found

Just think why we are getting error for method33.

18 years ago
Hi Veena,

I think It should goto the controller.

Thanks for your suggstion,

Sorry for any of the inconvience.


As I am working on monitoring related requirement, I need to get no. Of active sessions,sessions created, etc.

I found interesting code in ManagerServlet, As it has some protected methods, I cant call it from its object, I need to create servlet for my work, So I even can't extend ManagerServlet, So I've created one POJO for that, But now I need to populte the context and many other objects,

Is there any other way out for this?,

I really appriciate any kind of help. :-)
