Jijo Varghese

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since Aug 22, 2006
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We are thrilled to know that you just passed part-1 of SCEA. Please visit sceaFaq to get answers to your above questions and more.

Jijo V

paul wheaton
Apparently this class is full, but they will accept your application and might let you know of similar future classes. Be sure to include some experience info - apparently very experienced people get moved to the front of the line.

Cham you are so funny by bringing a very very old thread. How could you do that? Please have a look at the date of the original post (posted Wednesday, April 19, 2000 6:48 PM ) before make it alive.

Good luck to you

Thanks Jijo.
[ October 26, 2008: Message edited by: Jijo Varghese ]

Let me share some experiences after you wrote certifications....

What experience you have when somebody else wrote certifications??

Anyways please go ahead and share with us.


Congratulations. Could you please give some details like, the resource used & time taken for clearing the exam.


Shashank The answer to one of your questions is there in Rajesh�s postings

� and 8 months of experience in JAVA �

..after working in JAVA for 5 months i decided to have SCEA and I started for it�

Rajesh Kumar

So he took approximately 3 months to clear the exam
Thank you Toxic for your reply. You are such an inspiration for the people like me because I thought we should have few years of experience to go for SCEA(after going through some of the postings here) and you proved that is a false belief. I have less than a year(11 months) of JAVA experience and decided to go for SCEA.

Hope you will complete Part 2 and 3 in record time. Please share your experience on that also with us.

- Jijo V

Hi great minds,
Yesterday I cleared part 1 of SCEA .
I have an overall experience of 23 months and 8 months of experience in JAVA......
Rajesh Kumar
SCJP1.4,SCWCD1.4,SCEA(Part 1)

Congrats for the excellent achievement
Did you complete all SCJP1.4,SCWCD1.4,SCEA(Part 1) in 8 months?

Hi to all my fellow JavaRanchers from Detroit, Michigan, USA

18 years ago

Ofcourse I work Ashok. I am not enough lucky to be on bench.

I was on bench few times
and I don�t think it is LUCKY to be on bench.
18 years ago

I passes SCEA 1 with 80% on saturday.
It took me one week to get through the exam.

Congrats, its really amazing . Hope you will complete PART II in record time.