Hi GoofBall...
(I'm sure you're soon going to get a message from someone in the admin about your name
Please... It's always nice to streamline your code in a post and avoid dumping all of your code in the post. The easier it is to read your post, the faster you'd get a response. Most people don't really have the patience to ward through very long request posts.
That said... Here goes my response to your post:
In entity relationships, there is usually an "owner" of the relationship. The owner table would have a reference column to probably the primary key column of the related entity table.
It turns out that it makes more sense to have the entity on the "many" side to maintain a column holding a reference to the entity on the "one" side. So JPA has it that the "many" side should be the owning side. Which ultimately means that you'd have to have a reference to the "one" entity declared in the "many" entity class.
Relating that to your problem... this means you'd have your code like this:
...That's the way you'd go by it. Sadly if you wanted to have it the other way... i.e. having the Tournament side be the "owning" side of the relationship, you'd have to deal with a JoinTable... and there is no @ManyToOne(mappedBy=""). So you'd most likely have the relationship bidirectional like I have it in the code. I think it works fine this way though... save yourself an extra table.
Have a great time.