Arthur Ford

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since Sep 06, 2006
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Recent posts by Arthur Ford

How did you deploy axis_1.4? Try using axis2 , rather than axis_1.4. Since Axis2 and JBoss have been built on the same programming model. All you have to do is drop the axis2.war in the deploy folder and you shud have the axis page up and running.

Thou, with need to tell me how you tried and deployed the war file?
16 years ago
Hi Folks,

How does one achieve this weblogic functionality in Apache axis2?
16 years ago
Change your client to generate document/literal encoding of the SOAP message. Looks like your client now is doing a rpc/encoded style.
16 years ago
I have a weblogic based java client to connect to a weblogic webservice.The code I find in the net involves using stubs -

But the client I use is DII based. I use no stubs. Is there a way to digitally sign the code via this approach?
16 years ago
Hi Folks,

I have been stuck with this issue for quite sometime now. I have developed a simple webservice using a java class. It looks something like this..

Now, I need a webpage to look at all the messages I recieve at this webservice. Sounds pretty easy? I have done this with Axis. I can create a WAR and my webservice and my JSP can co-exist and share a variable in memory. But with weblogic, a EAR is created and I am not sure how to get my JSP into the EAR. I am not sure how I can store this 'msg' into memory(some static vbl) and then have my JSP read it and display it.

Any suggestions?
17 years ago
Hi Folks, Thanks for the replies...I did try and arrange the "load-on-startup" for the servlets...but I am still stuck with the same problem

This is how my web.xml looks

And this is what I get...

17 years ago
I am using Apache Axis in weblogic 8.1. Now the problem with webservices is that we need to "register" the webservice by running "AdminClient". Normally this is done via Command prompt AFTER the server has started up. But now I am looking to automate this..what I did was put this "AdminClient" thing in a servlet and in the init method...but obviously it got executed before the server could start up and I get a "Connection refused" error.

I was wondering if there is a way for my servlet to wait until the server has started and then execute.

something like...

--dont do anything
17 years ago
Hi Folks,

I have a EJB turned into a webservice and deployed in Weblogic 8.1. Now when this webservice is invoked, I want to show the received message in a browser. What I want to do is write a java class with 'setmessage' and 'getmessage' methods. Then I would use setmessage method to set the received message. My JSP then would ping the variable every 10 sec or so and show it in the browser. Is this feasible?

I tried creating an EAR with EJBJAR and WAR and a COMMON.jar which had the java class. It worked.

But with EJB turning into a webserivce...(using servicegen), it automatically creates a EAR, with the web-services.war coming in.

I tried to include the common.jar and my war in the generated EAR, but then the JSP/servlet in the war AND the ejb-jar doesnt seem to know anything abt the java class in the common.jar

Any clues, other ways to do this?
17 years ago
Try this -
EndpointReference targetEPR = new EndpointReference("http://localhost:8080/axis2/services/Jaguar");

Remove the ?WSDL
17 years ago
Hi Folks,

I have been trying this for the last couple of weeks. I want to deploy a webserivice in weblogic which shud be accessed by https.

My webservice shud be registered as https://localhost:7002/XContext/XService/XPort

For this I am using apache axis 1.4. I used the demo trust and demo key in weblogic. When I try to run AdminClient I get this error -

Then I did some R&D, and I guess I need to set up my server with some keystores.

I did have a certificatefile PEM and a keyfile PEM. I tried using the utils.ImportPrivateKey. Now, I get this error

Now I am totally confused and I have no clue abt this. Any help will do.
17 years ago
Hi ,
Thanks a lot for the reply. But unfortunately, FTP is disabled in all the servers.

I have few production unix servers. For debugging purposes, I have to login into 5-6 servers and check for logs in each of the servers. Is it possible to automate this task? Can I write a java program which will connect to each of the servers and read the log files. I cannot run any programs in the unix boxes. Anything that has to happen has to happen in the window box. Any suggestions or ideas?

Hi Guys,

I am working on an application which will select a set of users from the DB based on a certain condition.

Each user info is stored in a VLO.

I have an ActionForm -

All the employee details from the DB are added into an arraylist and then set to the actionform class.

This actionform class is sent to the jsp.

When I click on a particular checkbox, Only that employee should get be choosen for getting a mail/or whatever. And when I fill in the emailid, the VLO should be populated.

But When I read the form in the action class, I get it as null.

What I am trying to achieve here is a datagrid! I set the values in the table and it shoyld be saved...

Hope I was clear...Any Ideas??
17 years ago
Thnks guys for the reply. I tried the page method. It didnt work. So, I just changed my JSP page, and wrote Javascript for the page. Didnt use the validation framework for this page.

I had a deadline, so coudlnt experiment a lot. Maybe will try later.
18 years ago
I have a form bean

I use this ActionForm bean in 2 jsps.


In JSP1, I need to validate the empNo field to be 'required'.
In JSP2, I need to validate the empNo field to be 'required' and 'integer'.

Ofcourse, all the other 20 properties have their own validations..

Right now, what I am doing is I have given a different name to the actionform bean in struts-config and have repeated the validations in validation.xml.

But what is ugly that just for one field, 20 of them are getting repeated..

Is there any way out??

and then
18 years ago