Ranajit Jana

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since Jun 11, 2000
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Recent posts by Ranajit Jana

I am trying to use the Local and Local home interface in weblogic 6.0 as it supports the EJB2.0 specification. The Bean which I have written now extends EJBLocalObject and EJBLocalHome . The Java source compiles but when I compile ejb with ejbc the deployment descriptor <local><local-home> it complained. When the EJB20-dtd of weblogic.jar is replaced with the down loaded xml from the sun site it took it but exception is thrown at the transaction dexcriptor
that is at weblogic.xml.process.SAXValidationException
which says ejb-jar.assembly-descriptor.container-transaction.method.method-intf must have value Home,Remote.
but the documentation of ejb-jar mentions the values can be
The method-intf element must be one of the following:
<method-intf>Home</method-intf> <method-intf>Remote</method-intf> <method-intf>LocalHome</method-intf> <method-intf>Local</method-intf>

I am sure the weblogic.jar which comes along with weblogic 6.0 doesnot support Local bean call.
Can some body tell me If I can get the later version of this jar or a way out.

I am trying to design a wery simple search engine(HTML , JSP pages) on single site .
How do i proceed .Which java classes do i use because
class File Looks like for standalone machine and give me path which is absolute to the machine root.
I have never designed Search engine before.

This information will be very helpful to me.

Thanks in advance.
Ranajit Jana
23 years ago
Thanks JavaRanch for helping me.Now I am SCJP.
I want to use the SCJP logo(gif/jpg image)but i could not get it at my sylvan centre,neither the search engine took me any where.
Where do i get it.
I will be thankful if i get the image at my email
Thanks in advance.
This code has been taken fromSimon,phillip Heller's Certification guide.
Look at this code for anonymous class :
Public void amethod(){
TheButton.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
Public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent ae){
System.out.println("action has occurred");
now ActionListener is interface how can we instantiate an interface can you explain how this is done here.
The book says :
An anonymous class can be subclass of another explicit class or may implement single explicit interface.
I want somebody to explain me what does that mean.
Thanks in advance.