Nitin Pathak

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since Sep 25, 2006
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The application would be supposed to have:

  • User generated data on the ads (lets say electronics to sell)
  • Different categories of users - buyers, sellers
  • Workflow of a product from listed to closed

  • Something like that?
    11 years ago
    I wasn't entirely sure where to put this question up so here it is under Meaningless Drivel.

    I am trying to evaluate any standard applications available for me to get started on building a classifieds & advertisements application. I did my research but could not find a framework on which I could build upon, the requirements I am looking for are:

  • Functionally can be close to a classifieds application which highlights the standard workflows (not necessarily a classifieds app per se)
  • An object oriented multi tier (though I am willing customize the application segregating in into 3 tiers)
  • Currently it can only be a web application without any constraint of HTML5, Flash, UI, mobile compatibility etc
  • Preferred platform would be J2EE but I can work with Python, PHP as well (other than MS technologies)
  • UI is not a concern and I plan to use some pre-existing templates
  • Social plugins would be a plus

  • I plan to use these workflows to create a POC first before we dig into creating a full-fledged application, hence looking for a basic direction to get started.

    Also, the applications currently in use appear to be a cluttered with a lot of user generated information hence I am preferring a cleaner approach.

    Thanks for the help!
    11 years ago
    I am facing a similar problem - the only difference is mail is nowhere to be found (not even as a spam). However, the email is present under the James Server file system; local inbox of the user - james-2.3.2\apps\james\var\mail\inboxes\<testuser>

    DNS is configured as mentioned in the documentations. Is there a specific change needed to send this email across to the Internet?
    Thanks Bill! That helps a lot to initially start with. I plan to read the relevant XPATHs from a properties file (would later consider to derive these) and keep the XML validation to a separate (first) level using Xerces which would avoid data binding in this case.

    Also, just wanted to inform that OutOfMemory seems to be resolved after I use XMLBeans - by separating the Source Generation and Compilation, but does not seem to be a foolproof a and stable solution.

    - Thanks
    Thanks Bill! The mapping to Java classes is essentially to provide a reuseable solution to the clients - since schema being used is an Industry standard and has an exhaustive set of types to provide required XML richness.

    To answer your questions:

    Out of all this huge XML schema, exactly how much data do you need?
    Currently, I need nearly 10% of the data - however since to be able to provide a reuseable solution, it should be able to read the exhaustive set of types from the schema as the application grows.

    Are you are only going to pluck out a few values?
    For now, yes! Though, it would be helpful to be able to read the entire set of type, for now I would go for a few.

    Do you have to modify the source XML to create a modified document?
    No. Source XML will not be modified and needs to be validated against the schema (maybe Xerces validation) before I (plan to) use the unmarshalled Java object.

    Tried JAXB with a few custom bindings resulting in the same memory exceptions. I would really appreciate your response.

    - Thanks
    I have been facing an issue where I have a huge schema and my requirement would be best suited by XML Binding API (preferably Castor) where I would directly unmarshal the required Entities to consume them in my application.

    Since, the schema is huge, the classes generated by the Castor Source Gen exceeds the 5000 count ultimately leading to OutOfMemory (-Xms1024m -Xmx1024m). I am not sure whether the count is an issue here but I definitely do not need most of the unmarshalled types - since Castor does not have any direct way of retrieving the required types (along with the dependant types), I do not have control over the number of types unmarshalled and am a little overwhelmed counting my options here.

    If anyone as a better suggestion over the problem, or something which I had overlooked in Castor API - it would be of great help.

    PS: Castor 1.3

    - Thanks
    Hi - Its painful to resurrect such an old thread but I am currently looking for the same Open Source EDI library! Is there any Open Source solution API that can be integrated with Java?

    - Thanks
    14 years ago
    Resolved - As mentioned in the OP, I have used Axis2 1.5 essentially to generate the stub and WSDL creation. Once I modified the build script to update axis2.war to add my custom.aar, I deployed the same to WebSphere 6.1 which had different WSDL structure (and I like to believe different schema to compare against).

    WAS 6.1 does not support Axis2 1.5 in my case and hence I modified my library structure to get back to Axis2 1.4.1 to generate the stub and deployed axis2 1.4.1.war which worked well with WAS 6.1.

    - Thanks
    15 years ago
    Hi - I have been trying to migrate my application from Tomcat 6 to WebSphere 6.1. The application contains the JNDI implementation to connect to a defined data source at the server, this data source queries the database and retrieves the result set which is set appropriately to the custo Java Bean. When I retrieve the WS response, the rpc encounters the org.apache.axis2.AxisFault:
    I was able to monitor the Web Service through TCP Mon as well as the issue does not appear in Tomcat 6. Is there any gaps which need to be filled before this starts working under WebSphere 6.1?

    PS: I have been using Axis2 1.5

    - Thanks
    15 years ago
    Hi - I have been trying to authenticate users to my application exploiting AD credentials for the Windows users using JNDI mapping for LDAP API. So far so good - the issue arises when the security principal (user name) expects the value as DOMAIN\USERNAME and not just the user name. I am able to get around the problem by picking the DOMAIN from the properties file and validating the qualified user name against AD; I was wondering whether there would be any clean approach to validate the user against a particular windows domain - for example setting any Context property?

    PS: The same behavior is expected for both the provider urls: 1) ldap://hostname:port 2) ldap://hostname:port/searchbasename

    - Thanks
    15 years ago
    Resolved - I was able to extract the method names through Java Reflection API.

    - Thanks
    15 years ago
    Thanks Ilja! I have posted the message to the group. Also, can you please give a hint as to what work around can be done to gather the required information? One option is to set the VO attribute (preferably an ArrayList) of each of the method names in as the method body is invoked.

    However, this is not a resueable solution and as the application gorws, there are high chances of inconsistencies in the test cases. Please do let me know your inputs.

    - Thanks
    15 years ago
    I have an application running the various test cases by looping through the different Test Classes and instantiating the test suite. TestRunner executes the test cases and TestResult keeps the results in scope.

    I am able to retrieve errors() and failures() of the concerned test case and iterating over the enumerations, I am able to get the description and the failure case method names.

    I have a requirement to display the names of the successful methods as well - all the test methods executed through the test run. Can this be achieved through TestResult or is there any other alternative?

    - Thanks
    15 years ago

    May Davlud wrote:Nitin,
    Seems I am trying to solve the same question for myself: Java vs PHP .
    I have done a lot of research and still not convinced which one is better. Did you come to any conclusions? Do you mind sharing?

    I absolutely am going with clean PHP as of now since my application had to see the light of the day in less than 2 months and effectively, most of it is done. I would advise the same to you as well when the implementation time is limited to 1-2 months, PHP is the way to go; rapid page development gives you a HIGH which you dont want to let go.

    Being a Java junkie, I was absolutely looking for a more practical approach and K. Tsang has pointed me to the exact and aboslute direction I would want to take in future (thanks a bunch for that).

    There you go!
    15 years ago
    Information sake - I decided to go and explore the possibilities of PHP and found it useful. Now looking back at JavaRanch running on a java platform with more 'awesomeness', there is an option for me to
    15 years ago