hanumanth reddy

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if your looking for jobs inIndia,UK(workpermit sponsorship) and USA(H1b sposnsorship) send your CV to hrdsoft_uk@yahoo.com
17 years ago
Everthing related to IT is popular in India
17 years ago
Which Application server your are trying to Deploy?

it seems your are using Eclipse IDE have youintegrated IBM websphere in eclipse server server set up?
Page Scope is the smallest scope, and is a representation of the PageContext object for your JSP. Each JSP has it's own page scope, so objects in the page scope of one JSP are not accessible to other JSPs. This is sorta like making a private variable in Java.

Request scope is the next smallest scope, and is represented with the JSP's request object. All JSPs and servlets that share a request share the request scope. For example, if I have a JSP that forwards to another page, and that second page includes a third JSP page, then all three pages are in the same request, and can share objects through the request scope. A special note here, is the response.redirect(), will create a new request, unlike forwards and includes. Also note, a new request is made every time the user gets a new page, be it by clicking a link, a button, or some JavaScript call.

Session scope is the next lowest scope, represented by an HttpSession object. All requests from the same user are in the same session (unless you or they make it otherwise). Each user has his own session. If you want data to be referred to through multiple pages, after each page is displayed and the user requests a new page, then store the information in the session. Note, in order for sessions ot work, the user must have cookies on, or you must re-write the URLs. Take a look for maintaining sessions for more help on that.

The widest scope is the application scope, represented by the ServletContext object. All users share the same values of the application scope, as there is only one made for the web application. If you have some static material that all users should be able to access, then put it in the application, but be carefull. Each user will see the changes other users make, and certain threading issues can occur if not handled properly. So application scope is usually best used for Read-Only data.
17 years ago
if you are in Uk and looking for job email your cv on hrdsoft_uk@yahoo.com
17 years ago
email your CV to hrdsoft_uk@yahoo.com form UK workpermit processing
[ February 05, 2007: Message edited by: hanumanth reddy ]
17 years ago
send your cv to hrdsoft_uk@yahoo.com

H1b will be process once the quota starts provided you bear the H1b processing expenses

18 years ago
Jrules ian engines to integrate business rules into the busiensslogic layer

you can find more info at www.ilog.com

Hanumanth reddy
19 years ago
Using sockets overloads your server memory insted why dont you use servlets
21 years ago
if you looking for awt functionality in JSp then try java server faces which is still in early access but which has got great future
21 years ago
Hi If you dont properly close all the open tags in ur configuarion file you will get this error
post your config file i will try to show the cause
21 years ago
It all depends on what application server ur using
and how ur architecture is ?