Jaime Garc�a

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since Oct 09, 2006
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Recent posts by Jaime Garc�a

It is maybe a classloading issue. Please note that WebSphere comes with it's own version of JSF and JSTL jars and that maybe you want to use your own; to achieve this, you would deploy your application with those jars included, and set the classloader mode to PARENT_LAST.

Use the classloader viewer utility that comes with the administrative console to analize how the classloading is happening.
16 years ago
Hi Venki,

You have only one datasource for your entire application, which you configure just once; additionally, you declare N resource-ref "pointing" to that datasource, one for each module (web or ejb) that is going to use it.

So, of course you reuse your datasource, you just have to declare the proper references everywhere you need it.

...or don't use resource-ref. Not using it is "deprecated" since WAS 6.0, but it still works and you won't have to bother creating references here and there. Just be sure to properly set the container-managed authentication settings in the datasource configuration page of the admin console.
16 years ago
This is the technote where they explain why it happens:


The problem is not really considered as a bug, so no fixes for this other than satisfy this undocumented uniqueness restriction.
16 years ago
Hi Anders, I could finally solved my very particular problem by the following workaround:

Turns out that because of some weird bug in websphere, you can't issue JNDI lookups across equally named servers of profiles that belong to the same installation; a simple renaming of one of the servers was enough to get the application working (renaming provided by some useful wsadmin scripts downloaded from IBM's site). Right now I don't have the link to the bug description page, but I'll post it once I can retrieve it.

Anyway, your problem seems to be very different though. Could you post some stacktrace or code so we can help you with yours?
[ January 07, 2008: Message edited by: Jaime Garc�a ]
16 years ago
Hi Cameron,

Unfortunately, the two profiles don't belong to an administrative domain, as they are part of a WAS 6 base installation (not ND), therefore, each standalone application server is located in a different cell. Of course, if the two profiles were federated into a deployment manager cell, I would not be facing this tricky problem, but installing ND is not feasible right now.

Thanks for your answer!
17 years ago
Hi everybody,

I am experiencing some trouble trying to complete what looked like a very simple task, but got me stuck for days :'(

The thing is:
I have one WebSphere 6 base installation, with two profiles created.
Profile1: (myHostNode01Cell/nodes/myHostNode01/servers/server1; name server port: 2809)
Profile2: (myHostNode02Cell/nodes/myHostNode02/servers/server1; name server port: 2810)

I have an EJB deployed on Profile1's server (myHostCell01/nodes/myHostNode01/servers/server1/ejb/myEjb), and when I try to look it up from Profile2's server, using the following code:

I get the following output:

It seems that I cannot instanciate an InitialContext from one profile's server to another.

I have tried corbaname and corbaloc format for the provider url. I have also tried using ejb-ref, configured bindings (CORBA), with no success.

When I run this code from another server (in another machine), it just works fine.

Do you guys know if it is posible to access to a was6 profile's server JNDI namespace from another profile?

Thanks in advance!

[ October 09, 2006: Message edited by: Jaime Garc�a ]
[ October 09, 2006: Message edited by: Jaime Garc�a ]
17 years ago
Hi everybody,

I am experiencing some trouble trying to complete what looked like a very simple task, but got me stuck for days :'(

The thing is:
I have one WebSphere 6 base installation, with two profiles created.
Profile1: (myHostNode01Cell/nodes/myHostNode01/servers/server1; name server port: 2809)
Profile2: (myHostNode02Cell/nodes/myHostNode02/servers/server1; name server port: 2810)

I have an EJB deployed on Profile1's server (myHostCell01/nodes/myHostNode01/servers/server1/ejb/myEjb), and when I try to look it up from Profile2's server, using the following code:

I get the following output:

It seems that I cannot instanciate an InitialContext from one profile's server to another.

I have tried corbaname and corbaloc format for the provider url. I have also tried using ejb-ref, configured bindings (CORBA), with no success.

When I run this code from another server (in another machine), it just works fine.

Do you guys know if it is posible to access to a was6 profile's server JNDI namespace from another profile?

Thanks in advance!

[ October 09, 2006: Message edited by: Jaime Garc�a ]
[ October 09, 2006: Message edited by: Jaime Garc�a ]