Ravi Gupta

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since May 16, 2001
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Recent posts by Ravi Gupta

I have a Java application. I want to restrict the user to run the single instance of the application. How can i achieve this?
21 years ago
Hi Group,
How can i validate a URL in my JAVA program without opening the URL?
I have a page where user can enter the URL. I want to validate this URL before entering into database.
21 years ago
I have a JDialog with resizable false option.. For this its not showing the parent frames Icon.. i want to display the dialog with the icon of the parent frame by keeping the property resizable false.. Can everyone have solution please give reply.. Hope to c the solution very soon..
With warm regards
..Ravi Gupta
[ November 28, 2002: Message edited by: Ravi Gupta ]
21 years ago
Can someone tell how to get buttons in Swings with curved edges?
21 years ago
I have developed an application in Java. I want to specify some amount of time and if system is Idle for the specified time, it should inform my app.
I think it can be done only with windows API. Has someone worked on it?
Thanx in Advance.
22 years ago
I have developed an application in Java. I want to specify some amount of time and if system is Idle for the specified time, it should inform my app.
I think it can be done only with windows API. Has someone worked on it?
Thanx in Advance.
22 years ago
Is it possible to create application which will have the basic functionality of Exchange Server? I mean it should be able to send/receive mail from POP3/IMAP4 and Web Mail. If yes then how can it be achieved?
23 years ago
Can someone help me put Jtable or JTree in a Jcombo?
23 years ago
This is a requirement from the client. They have an application developed in IFC. All the components in that application is customized and we have to convert those using Swings.

Originally posted by Aleksey Matiychenko:
I am curious of what would be an application of that?

23 years ago
How can i put a Jtree or a JTable in Jcombo. There are many examples to put JCombo in a JTable but i couldn't find any example on JTable in JCombo.
23 years ago
Thanks Sanjay i will try this code.

Originally posted by Sanjay Bahrani:
Hi there,
Yeah you can add a Image to a tree, I can give you a link that will illustrate you this example.
I hope this link will solve your problem..... http://www2.gol.com/users/tame/swing/examples/JTreeExamples4.html

23 years ago
Could someone me tell me how to put differnet image on leaves of the branch of a JTree?
[This message has been edited by Ravi Gupta (edited May 17, 2001).]
23 years ago