
Ranch Hand
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Recent posts by srinivas.b

Hi all

I would like to install weblogic on oracle enterprise linux. My goal is to work with weblogic portal. can any one please suggest me which one i need to install weblogic platform or weblogic portal.

I selected weblogic portal 10.2 and installed on my system but i am not able to access portal examples.

please suggest me
15 years ago
Hi all,

I would like to learn how to handle log4j. Please suggest me practical oriented material. I am working with struts and hibernate.

Thanks in advance.
[ October 21, 2008: Message edited by: VarnamAiyram ]
Hi all,

I would like to learn how to handle log4j. Please suggest me practical oriented material. I am working with struts and hibernate.

Thanks in advance.
15 years ago
I am unable to add dataFieldName attribute for autocompleter in struts2.0.6
and able to get the attribute in struts2.0.9
was the release having some issues in 2.0.6?
16 years ago
Will that tile applicable for whole package?
I am using different package will this tiles reflect to all packages?

also i saw someware, tiles in struts2 is in beta version isit?
16 years ago
Hi all,

I am trying to integrate tiles in struts2
I have followed the below link
can any one mention where to include the 3 rd point

<result-type name="tiles" class="org.apache.struts2.views.tiles.TilesResult"/>

I mean in struts.xml or else in the include file of struts.xml
if i include the above code in struts.xml I am getting error like
the contents of the element struts must match package.

and also in the Example given i am getting error
cannot find the descrpition for ""
which was mentioned in taglib uri.

Thanks in advance.
16 years ago
Hi all,

I have mentioned showDownArrow="false" but even the down arrow was displaying.
I have mentioned in such a way
<s:autocompleter theme="simple" list="user" name="userName" showDownArrow="false"/>

Please help me how to disable the down arrow in autocompleter.
16 years ago
Hi all,

I had a query regarding date data type as in hibernate document it was mentioned hibernate preserve full date and time information by mapping the property with a timestamp converter.

if we want to compare only dates without time stamp how to achive this?
Hi all,

I have a changepassword JSP page wich contains Image.firsttime i am getting the image if i hit the page directly.
once the username and password are entered wrongly i need to show the same JSP page but this time it goes to action and displaying the page but the image is not visible.

first time : I am able to see the image
<html:img src="../images/unet_banner.gif" align="left"/>

once going to action and displaying the same page i am unable to view the image.

Please help me . I will be very thank full.
16 years ago

In the below xml file i want to include
<c:Address> for current address and
<pa:Address> for Permanent address
i am unable to create namespace for those
could any one help me how to create those ?

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!-- This XML Contains New Account details for a bank customer by using Schema -->
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/xml" href="http://siosjrp1/Sample.xsl"?>
<ipo:Transaction Id="100012345"
xsi:schemaLocation="http://siosjrp1 http://siosjrp1/SampleTransaction1.xsd"

<Bank Name="HDFC" Id="10002001">
<!-- New Account element node -->
<Country>United States</Country>
<!-- <pa:Address xmlns:pa="http://siosjrp1">
<![CDATA[ Minimum balance must not be < 1000 ]]>
<?note default is taken as Saving?>
<FaxNo><757 9008></FaxNo>

<xs:schema xmlns:xs=""
<xs:element name="Transaction">
<xs:documentation>Comment describing your root element</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="Bank">
<xs:element name="Transfer">
<xs:element name="BankId"/>
<xs:element name="BankName"/>
<xs:element name="CustomerId"/>
<xs:element name="CustomerName"/>
<xs:element name="AccountNO"/>
<xs:element name="Branch"/>
<xs:element name="Amount"/>
<xs:element name="AvilableBalance"/>
<xs:element name="Date"/>
<xs:element name="Charge"/>
<xs:attribute name="type" use="required"/>
<xs:element name="NewAccount">
<xs:element name="CustomerName">
<xs:element name="FirstName"/>
<xs:element name="MiddleName"/>
<xs:element name="LastName"/>
<xs:element name="Address">
<xs:element name="Line1"/>
<xs:element name="Line2"/>
<xs:element name="City"/>
<xs:element name="State"/>
<xs:element name="Zipcode"/>
<xs:element name="Country"/>
<!--<xs:element name="PermenantAddress">
<xs:element name="Line1"/>
<xs:element name="Line2"/>
<xs:element name="City"/>
<xs:element name="State"/>
<xs:element name="ZipCode"/>
<xs:element name="Counrty"/>
<xs:element name="EmailId"/>
<xs:element name="MinBalance"/>
<xs:element name="TypeofAccount">
<xs:element name="Saving"/>
<xs:element name="Current"/>
<xs:element name="Retirement "/>
<xs:element name="FaxNo"/>
<xs:element name="Phone"/>
<xs:element name="MobileNo"/>
<xs:attribute name="Id" use="required"/>
<xs:attribute name="Name"/>
<xs:attribute name="Id" use="required"/>
Hi all,

I am new to ejbs. I finished core java,jsp,servlets,struts and i would like to study ejb3.0. I dont have any idea on ejb technology.
can i start Ejb3.0 directly? what is the best book for it.
Can anyone please suggest me.

Thank you
I assumed in such a way

404 error mean file not found

so obviously for "a page or servlet that cannot be found" will display not_found.html
is there any difference between JSP Documnet and JSP page ?

if they are same then scripting is valid by default.
For manageability purpose,you have been told to add a "count instance variable to a critical JSP document so that a JMX MBean can track how frequent this JSP is being invoked.Which JSP code snippet must you use to declare this instance variable in the JSP Documnet?

a)<jsp eclaration>
int count=0;
<jsp eclaration>

b)<%! int count=0;%>

the right answer is "a" why not "b" ?
Hi all,

I am developing application using swings. I have a thirdparty software called javalauncher. i am able to create exe file. later in my application i used jfreechart to generate graphs.To do that we need to include few jar files.
Now i got a problem to generate execute file.It is saying main not found.

Can anyone help me how to generate executable file or executable jar.

Thank you in advance.

[ UD: gave it a more descriptive title ]
[ April 03, 2008: Message edited by: Ulf Dittmer ]
16 years ago