Abhishek Dhar

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since Nov 07, 2006
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Recent posts by Abhishek Dhar

I have looked aroud on internet for open source chat applications, but my company need me to design one of our own so that we can configure it with our Enterprise Reporting application
15 years ago
Hi,has any one been working on a chat messenger (yahoo/msn)? I have a requiremnet came up in my company has assigned me a module which contains a chat messenger application. Its specifications are same as that of the yahoo and google talk, a user should be able to chat on one to one bases or as well as group up many people for a conferencing like chat too.

If any one of you have such ready to run application [... please let me know.] I am in a urgent need of it. If you dont have any backup then please try to help me out with ideas how i would be able to design it or some proper documentation. Thanks in advance.

The application is basicly designed on JSP / SERVLET / STRUTS so any reday made application will be much preffered.
[ December 04, 2008: Message edited by: Abhishek Dhar ]
15 years ago
Can you please tell me how to configure data source using apache tomcat 5.5. I need to know the complete procedure step by step. I am using a Windows Operating system with SQL Server 2000 for database. I will be very thankful to you
I have given SCJP 1.4 a year back but this time after a year I again got a chance to give new exam. One of my friend had a sun coupon for SCJP exam but due to some reasons he was not able to give the exam, his coupon expiry date was close so he told me to try my hand second time on this certification. I was preparing for SCWCD 5 but at the last moment i decided to try SCJP 6 ... Luckily passed the SCJP 6 exams this morning with 91%.

It was not such tough exam for me, as i use to solve a lot of monk exams during my free period for a long time now, a most of the questions have been repeated from them, major part of it came from the monk papers by Test King. I got struck in some of the Q during exam but i have some fade impressions of there answers in my mind so i made a guess for them and luckily it helped out.

Now i am starting with SCWCD 5 again and planing to give my exam by mid of next month. can anyone give me the monk papers please mail them at my email id abhishek.dhar@yahoo.co.in. Thanks in advance

Thanks everyone who helped me out
[ August 10, 2008: Message edited by: Abhishek Dhar ]
16 years ago
Hello friend my name is Abhishek and i have just started trying my hands on struts
I have Tomcat 5.5.9 installed on my system and I am using Struts 1.1 for developing application
I have read some ware that Struts 1.1 is not compatible with Tomcat 5x. I want to know that is it true or not. If so, then which version of Tomcat should I use to make my Struts application work.
And also one more thing right now I am studying Struts from Struts For Dummies , is it a nice book for beginner like me or should I use some other book instead of it.
16 years ago
i am not quite familiar with JSTL so can't go on that path

the 2 one you said convert Servlet to JSP so how would i do that thing can you explain me up

anyways thank you for all your help
16 years ago
Thanks Michael Ku for your help but I didn't get what actually you want to explain me, can you please go a little bit deeper in the concept.

Actually I am designing a application using MVC model type 1. So according to that model i can directly create a connection between model and view. So i am designing some error pages which will be displayed as test (String) on the places in the application where its needed (like user name validation).

I have written the below given code in web.XML file for servlet file mapping

16 years ago
Hello friends, actually let me come straight to the point. I just was experimenting with the jsp:include page =..... tag in jsp
I know that we can use this tag to include .html, .js, .jsp file but what about if I want to include output of a servlet code as shown below into a .jsp page using this tag Is It Possible To Do So???

Now I use a one line code in my .jsp page as

But I use to get a error saying "The requested resource not avilable"

Please help me out if anybody knows how to perform out this work
16 years ago
Hello friends i am new to JSP programming.
I recently designed a application to enter values of certain field in a database (Using SQL Server Database)

i used a file name Register.jsp, so when the action is performed by clicking submit button it use to call another file named Register_DB.jsp in which database insertion is performed this 2nd file includes another .java file which is actually creating the JDBC ODBC connection drivers

but whenever i use to run the programme using tomcat-5.5 i use to get certain error as below ------------------->

So can anybody tell me what should i do to resolve this error
17 years ago
u can also use alert box or can even put sone validations for the text box so that even if the enter button is clicked the user will remain on the same page because of not submitting the certain fields

Can anybody help me in explaining what do we mean by following operators in JAVA:

'equals' and '=='

Please give a brief definition about how can i use them and try to give a simple example
17 years ago
Actually the this question got repeatedly posted because of the internet problem so i did a mistake of posting same thing twice

any way thanks is there any one else who can help me in a more detailed manner
17 years ago
Hello friends i have some problem related to threads.......

I have once gone through a site there i read that there ar 2 types of threads.


It was a online samples of technical Q asked in interviews MNC like Google, Accenture, Cognizent etc

I have gone through various books like

1. A Programmer's Guide To Java Certification, 2nd Edition (Addison & Khalid).

2. Head First JAVA, 2 Edition (Kethy Sierra & Bert Bates).

In these books there is nothing written about the Types of Threads.
Do really the types of threads exist, if yes try to explan there definition.
17 years ago
Hello friends i have some problem related to threads.......

I have once gone through a site there i read that there ar 2 types of threads.


It was a online samples of technical Q asked in interviews MNC like Google, Accenture, Cognizent etc

I have gone through various books like

1. A Programmer's Guide To Java Certification, 2nd Edition (Addison & Khalid).

2. Head First JAVA, 2 Edition (Kethy Sierra & Bert Bates).

In these books there is nothing written about the Types of Threads.
Do really the types of threads exist, if yes try to explan there definition.
17 years ago
Hello friends can anybody help me t explain why java is not a pure object oriented language. I know about one of the main reasons behind it but ar there some other reasons too

Java's primitive types are not objects. Primitive types store their values in the stack rather than being references to values. This was a conscious decision by Java's designers for performance reasons. Because of this, Java is not considered to be a pure object-oriented programming language. However, as of Java 5.0, autoboxing enables programmers to write as if primitive types are their wrapper classes, and freely interchange between them for improved flexibility.

If there ar other reasons then just explain them in detail
17 years ago