Dhana Shree

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since Nov 13, 2006
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Recent posts by Dhana Shree

Thanks for your quick reply.
Hi All,

I have Cleared SCWCD 1.4 with 86%.
But during the Exam only i came to know that SUN has changed the number of question from 69 to 80 and time duration from 2.15 hrs to 3 hrs.
Also there is no SCWCD 1.3 verion of Exam.
There is only one version for SCWCD and that is SCWCD 1.4
So kindly note this for those who are going to write in future.
Thanks for all your support.
Hi All,
I have successfully cleared my SCWCD 1.4 with 86%.
When i start to prepare for SCBCD, i see SCBCD 1.3 and SCBCD 5 versions.
I already have Head First SCBCD Book.
On seeing the posts on SCBCD Certification, i came to know that the HEad First Book i got is for EJB 2.0 i.e its for SCBCD 1.3
I am totally confused about which version of SCBCD to write.
Also i heard during my SCWCD Exam is that there is no SCWCD 1.3, but luckily i prepared for the latest version SCWCD 1.4. So a great Escape.
Also i heard that there is only 1 SCWCD and 1 SCBCD exam of 3 hrs duration.
So i dont want to suffer if i prepared for SCBCD 1.3 and at the time of taking this SCBCD 1.3, this version of Exam should exist.
Someone Please give me a clear picture about this and also which version is the best to take up for the Exam
Hi all,
I have completed my SCJP 5.0
Now thinking to preapre for SCWCD.

I have a doubt in this Mark for Review Checkbox.
Suppose if we have a doubt of the answer we marked for a particular question, we can click that "Mark for Review" checkbox. after sometime (some minutes) if we choose an answer for that, does it require to uncheck the "Mark for Review Checkbox" else i can leave it as checked itself and end the Exam.
Someone please help me. Its very urgent for me.
thanks for your post.
I ampreparing honestly but i have a doubt whether that alone is enough.
that's y i posted to java ranch hoping that the members will help me.
thank you once again.
hi all,
I am new to this web site. I want to write SCJP certification.
I have the book Sierra & Bates Book. I have finished reading that book and started to revise the book for second time. Will that book alone is enough to pass the SCJP Certification and also to score 98%, or some preparation is needed. also i want to write that exam very soon atleast within a month. If i need to prepare some more, the what i should prepare. Please someone help me. You can mail me at dhana_run@yahoo.co.in.

Thanks in Advance.