Shanthala Baleger

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since Nov 18, 2006
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Recent posts by Shanthala Baleger

Could anybody explain the difference b/w CORBA and indirect binding, Please
I passed the �Sun Certified Programmer for the Java 2 Platform on October 3, 2000�. After that I had a 90 degree deviation, worked on other fun stuff. Now I will be back on J2EE assignments. Do you think my programmer certification in still valid so that I can write SCWCD.

Please let me know where I can verify this.

Thank you all in advance.
Congratulations. I just started preparing for this exam.

I have a HFSJ book that I bought 2 years ago. Written for J2EE 1.4. Now I planning to give teh SCWCD 1.5(310-083). Doesn't still works!!! Please help me out.

-Shantha B
I have HFSJ that I bought 2 years ago. Looks like, this book is for SCWCD 1.4. Is it still good for SCWCD 1.5?? Now I am really serious about taking SCWCD exam. Please guide me on this.
After posting this I found another topic on the same lines

"allowed operation in ejbCreate() of stateless session bean ". please reply to that topic
I agree with Steven, if you read the page 101, 103, 224 � 227 in Head First Ejb

1. I think Container calls ejbCreate() to create bunch of beans and they will stay in pool.

2. EJBObject gets created when client call create().

3. Only when method gets called on the EJBObject, that is when the Bean comes out of the pool and get bound to the EJBObject.

4. So when ejbCreate() called in stateless bean it would have no clue about the EJBObject.

5. Same thing with ejbRemove(). Bean will be in pool not attached to any EJBObject, when container calls ejbRemove() on bean.

6. when Client calls remove() on the stub, only the Stub and EJBObject () gets removed for that client in stateless session bean.

Experts please please clarify. We have 5 people in out study group, all of us are confused. Please help
Is it possible to get a referene to EJBObject (using SessionContext) in ejbCreate and ejbRemove for a stateless session bean?

when I read HFEJB chpater on session life cycle. I beleive the book says you should be able to get EJBObject during ejbCreate() and ejbRemoval().

I think the answer should be NO. When container creates a bunch of stateless session beans in a pool (without any client asking for it) there are no EJBObjects associated so what will getEJBObject() return?

Please somebody clarify the doubt. We have 5 people in our study group, all of have same doubt.
resource manager connection factory

coudl you please give references to read and understand more about the "resource manager connection factory"?
Thank you the guidance. I changed the Display Name.
how come we don't have primitive variable in the list?
example : int nSize = 10;
What is persistent state java object means?
how does it relates to transient variables?

I did lot of google search could not find any answer for this. could you please help find more about persistent state java object ?

This is my first time on JavaRanch, I am looking for soft copy of the Head Frist Servlet and JSP book. please guide me on this.
