smiley23 Sue

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since May 22, 2001
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Recent posts by smiley23 Sue

Thanks ALot Paul!
It worked!!!
To those who found my username a bit childish, I'm sorry that you don't like my name. Basically I'm still a teen, trying out and learning Java for the very first time. I didn't know that so many restrictions are being imposed on the choice of usernames.
22 years ago
Hi all!
Its me again!
Im still trying to convert applet to application.
In my code..
in public void init() {
NumOfLayers = Integer.parseInt(getParameter("NumOfLayers"));
for (int i = 0; i < NumOfLayers; i++) {

// Get PARAMs for layer.
shade = getParameter("shade" +i );\
i added a GetParameter method into the code:
public String getParameter(String name) {
if (name == "NumOfLayers")
System.out.println("in Num of layers");
return "6";
if (name == "shade0")
{System.out.println("in shade0");
return "use";}
return null;
It worked fine for the first one, get Number of layers.
However, when it came to the loop,
when i = 0, it doesnt recognise 'shade" + i as 'shade0'.
It just bypass the condition set in GetParameter and return null.
Can anyone help in this?
Any way to resolve the loop problem??
22 years ago
Hi! thanks for all the replies!
Its me again!
The codes are v long that's y i didnt put them up in the first place. But i found one mistake..
It seems that can only work for JAva Swing..
n my code happens to be in Java only..
I think thats the reason y it cant work......Sorry for my blunder..
Thanks again!
22 years ago