vidhya jangal

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since Dec 08, 2006
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Recent posts by vidhya jangal

i am going to take the exam on 28th of this month.i want answer for :
1) fees has increased to 7000/- . no doubt about it. i made a call to sylvan center yesterday and tehy confirmed it..
i want to know as the fees change is implemented from 15th of this month, does it mean that the portions and the database is also changed ?? i want ajith r someone to answer this question.
please do answer as soon as possible.. i am really confused.
please do send me the sairams frequently asked questions to
please.. send it as soon as possible..
as far as i know, the database and all does not get changed..
they will be having a pool of questions ..say for example some 1000 questions and when we appear for the exam we will get questions in random.. this is what i know
please do help me by sending the questions.. i am getting very less in the mock exams that i take... so please help yah!!
please.... expecting ur help!!
with luv and best wishes

[This message has been edited by Ajith Kallambella (edited September 18, 2000).]
i am not able to access the mindq and applied reasoning papers.
i have used the following urls to access then Questions)
please tell me some way to access these papers r i will be very grateful if someone sends me these papers to this discussion forum itself so that everyone can get a copy to view!!
i am not able to access the mindq question papers.
the url is not functioning. so can someone send it to me here in this discussion forum itself so that all others who r not able to access will be benefitted.
please do this favour.

i am not able to access the suns sample papers in this site.
please tell me the reason for that or please do mail me the sample papers on this site itself.i will be very grateful to you if you do it as soon as possible.