I have a qeustion about ejbActivate and Passivate.
In the HFEJB 203page, When ejbPassivate completes, every non-transient instance variable MUST be a reference to one of the following.
A resource manager connection Factory(DataSource)
and the next page
a JDBC connection is not Serializable, so if you have one, you must set it to null in ejbPassivate().
My Question is that .JDBC connection is not Serializable. But it is a resource manager connection factory. is it?
I am not english native speaker... so i might misunderstand of this concept.
The things on the list (203page) are fine for activation and passivation. so I do not care of them.
Except the list, I need to care. One of them is JDBC connection.
If i am right, What is a resource manager connection factory?