muthu moorthy

Ranch Hand
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since Dec 19, 2006
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I have a sun exam voucher valid till July 31st July 2007.

This voucher can be used for 310 Exam Series ie SCJCP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4, SCBCD 1.3, SCDJWS, SCEA and so on.

Though i paid Singapore Dollor 270.00 while i bought this voucher from Sun MicroSystems, now I am ready to give S$50 Less.

If anyone is interested please contact me at or call/sms me by 65-90258281

Thank you,

I have a sun exam voucher valid till July 31st July 2007.

This voucher can be used for 310 Exam Series ie SCJCP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4, SCBCD 1.3, SCDJWS, SCEA and so on.

Though i paid Singapore Dollor 270.00 while i bought this voucher from Sun MicroSystems, now I am ready to give S$50 Less.

If anyone is interested please contact me at or call/sms me by 65-90258281

Thank you,

I have a sun exam voucher valid till July 31st July 2007.

This voucher can be used for 310 Exam Series ie SCJCP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4, SCBCD 1.3, SCDJWS, SCEA and so on.

Though i paid Singapore Dollor 270.00 while i bought this voucher from Sun MicroSystems, now I am ready to give S$50 Less.

If anyone is interested please contact me at or call/sms me by 65-90258281

Thank you,

I have a sun exam voucher valid till July 31st July 2007.

This voucher can be used for 310 Exam Series ie SCJCP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4, SCBCD 1.3, SCDJWS, SCEA and so on.

Though i paid Singapore Dollor 270.00 while i bought this voucher from Sun MicroSystems, now I am ready to give S$50 Less.

If anyone is interested please contact me at or call/sms me by 65-90258281

Thank you,
17 years ago

I have a sun exam voucher valid till July 31st July 2007.

This voucher can be used for 310 Exam Series ie SCJCP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4, SCBCD 1.3, SCDJWS, SCEA and so on.

Though i paid Singapore Dollor 270.00 while i bought this voucher from Sun MicroSystems, now I am ready to give S$50 Less.

If anyone is interested please contact me at or call/sms me by 65-90258281

Thank you,

I have another sun exam voucher valid till July 31st July 2007.

This voucher can be used for 310 Exam Series ie SCJCP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4, SCBCD 1.3, SCDJWS, SCEA and so on.

Due to some personal reasons i could not take up the exam, therefore i need to sell the voucher.

Though i paid Singapore Dollor 270.00, I am ready to give S$50 Less.

If anyone is interested please contact me at or call/sms me by 65-90258281

Thank you,

I have another sun exam voucher valid till July 31st July 2007.

This voucher can be used for 310 Exam Series ie SCJCP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4, SCBCD 1.3, SCDJWS, SCEA and so on.

Due to some personal reasons i could not take up the exam, therefore i need to sell the voucher.

Though i paid Singapore Dollor 270.00, I am ready to give S$50 Less.

If anyone is interested please contact me at or call/sms me by 65-90258281

Thank you,
17 years ago

I have another sun exam voucher valid till July 31st July 2007.

This voucher can be used for 310 Exam Series ie SCJCP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4, SCBCD 1.3, SCDJWS, SCEA and so on.

Due to some personal reasons i could not take up the exam, therefore i need to sell the voucher.

Though i paid Singapore Dollor 270.00, I am ready to give S$50 Less.

If anyone is interested please contact me at or call/sms me by 65-90258281

Thank you,

Another Sun Exam Voucher for Sale (Sing $50 Less)

I have a another sun exam voucher valid till July 31st July 2007.

This voucher can be used for 310 Exam Series ie SCJCP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4, SCBCD 1.3, SCDJWS, SCEA and so on.

Due to some personal reasons i could not take up the exam, therefore i need to sell the voucher.

Though i paid Singapore Dollor 270.00, I am ready to give S$50 Less.

If anyone is interested please contact me at or call/sms me by 65-90258281

Thank you,

I have a sun exam voucher valid till July 31st July 2007.

This voucher can be used for 310 Exam Series ie SCJCP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4, SCBCD 1.3, SCDJWS, SCEA and so on.

Due to some personal reasons i could not take up the exam, therefore i need to sell the voucher.

Though i paid Singapore Dollor 270.00, I am ready to give S$50 Less.

If anyone is interested please contact me at or call/sms me by 65-90258281

Thank you,

I have a sun exam voucher valid till July 31st July 2007.

This voucher can be used for 310 Exam Series ie SCJCP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4, SCBCD 1.3, SCDJWS, SCEA and so on.

Due to some personal reasons i could not take up the exam, therefore i need to sell the voucher.

Though i paid Singapore Dollor 270.00, I am ready to give S$50 Less.

If anyone is interested please contact me at or call/sms me by 65-90258281

Thank you,
17 years ago

I have a sun exam voucher valid till July 31st July 2007.

This voucher can be used for 310 Exam Series ie SCJCP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4, SCBCD 1.3, SCDJWS, SCEA and so on.

Due to some personal reasons i could not take up the exam, therefore i need to sell the voucher.

Though i paid Singapore Dollor 270.00, I am ready to give S$50 Less.

If anyone is interested please contact me at or call/sms me by 65-90258281

Thank you,

I have a sun exam voucher valid till July 31st July 2007.

This voucher can be used for 310 Exam Series ie SCJCP 1.4, SCWCD 1.4, SCBCD 1.3, SCDJWS, SCEA and so on.

Due to some personal reasons i could not take up the exam, therefore i need to sell the voucher.

Though i paid Singapore Dollor 270.00, I am ready to give S$50 Less.

If anyone is interested please contact me at or call/sms me by 65-90258281

Thank you,

Thought i have HF's and Paul's and i feel comfortable with Paul's. Is that enought to pass the SCBCD ?

Please reply.

thank you