vijay mahendra

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since Jan 01, 2007
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Recent posts by vijay mahendra

remove from html page in production environment..

generally we add comments in development time.But i want to remove comments automatically from html page or jsp page
hi all,

how to remove comments automatically from html ?

please help me in this.

thanks in advance

Hi all,

I have written one store procedure for inserting data into 2 database tables.

hbm as follows:
<sql-query name="insertSaveSearch" callable="true">
{call INSERT_TEST() }

But its throwing error as : Bind variable does not exist.

Please let me know how to resolve this problem.
Thanks one and all,
Hi ,

You can find in following path :


14 years ago

Hi one and all,

How to set Transaction as Local Transaction for EJB in websphere6.1 version

Could you please help me in this.

Thanks one and all.


Actually , my struts application Need to deploy in 2 different machines.
Presentation layer and Application Layer in different servers.

Servlet Engine should be in some other machine .Only JSPs in one machine.
How to split and how to make it work ?

Please help me in this.

15 years ago
Hi All,

I have a struts Application. I want to deploy Presentation Layer on one machine and Application Layer on other machine.

How to split struts application into 2 layers.

Please help me on this approach.

IF any one having documents on the same,Please provide me.

Thanks all in advance,
15 years ago
Hi one and all,

I want sever side validations on component Level.
Currently Struts supporting complete page level validation.
But i need in my application at component level.

In my JSP page , I have 2 submit buttons butt1 and butt2.
Onsubmit of butt1 , validate some text fileds in page and
Onsubmit of butt2 , validate some text fileds in page not all text fileds.

IS this support struts. How to impletement for this scenario.

Please help me in this.

15 years ago
hi all,

how to determine whether file is in use?

using java code.Please help me in this.
15 years ago

Some times file.delete() method is not working.Its not deleting file from folder.

Actually , i am creating one tmp file, writing into tmp file and deleting actual file and rename tmp file to actual name.
In this case , some time delete method is deleting file, some times its not deleting.

Please help me in this.
Thanks in advance,
15 years ago
Dear all,
I am using Frame set in my home page with top frame and bottom frame.
Top frame contains menu and onclick of menu link, i am displaying page from other remote location in bottom frame.

After this action, if click any other menu link. It throwing Access Denied Java script error.
What i need to change for this problem.
Please help me in this.

Thanks one and all.
Hi one and all,

I want to replace text between start and end pointer in a File.
But without reading a file.File size is takes more time.
So i want to replace text with new data between start and end pointers without reading file.
is there any way to do ?
please let me know .
Thanks in Advance.
16 years ago
Hi all,

In my application ,I need to find start position and end position in File. After that, delete text between start position and end position.
Again , i need to update with new data in same position.

Now i am using RandomAcesssFile. seek method for start position.
using same seek method i can find end position also.But i am unable to find update text between start/end positions or delete also.
please help me in this.
Thanks one and all.
16 years ago
Hi all,

I need techniques for data stacking.
How to do ?
This is something basically the wrapping of the row data in the table such that horizontal scrolling is avoided.

Thanks in Advance.
I created a hashtable from one jsp using javascript. I tried to read the values of that hash table from another jsp. It is giving the error "object is undefined". How to read the values from the javascript hashtable from different jsp?
