Sumit Malik

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Already discussed in this thread

Cheers !!!
Sumit Malik
17 years ago
Hi Hemapriya,

As mentioned by Freddy first ensure that ejb is associated jndi name "ejb/Advice2Bean" in your application server.

If you are using jboss you can view already deployed bean through jndiView service(of jmxConsole). Once you land up on service page then by clicking invoke button of view operation you would come to know which are the already deployed bean on your app server.

If you bean is listed there then you can call you bean with mentioned jndi name.

Cheers !!!
Sumit Malik
Hey Amit

change provider entry as mentioned here .

in persistence.xml
Comment your earlier provider entry n place the one which is mentioned above.

Lets try this change n see where we are :roll:

Cheers !!!
Sumit Malik
OOPs Pls declare your bean as

and not as

Cheers !!!
Sumit Malik
OOPs Pls declare your bean as

and not as

Cheers !!!
Sumit Malik
Hey Amit you have coded your logic in business method as

I think these kind of errors we get when there is configuration mistmatch.
If you have annotating your entitymanager then i dont think you have explicitly create entityManager from entityManagerFactory.

Just try with this code n i hope we would get around of this issue

Pls try with above code snippet and check !!!

Cheers !!!
Sumit Malik
Hey Amit I was wondering why you have specified you bean as instead of

Pls change above declaration and try to deploy your .ear again.

I hope this would help you up because other configurations are looking fine

Cheers !!!
Sumit Malik
Hey Amit I think you can post more about how you have configured your ds.xml(oracle datasource ) file and how you have configured in persistence.xml file and how you are referring datasource in your beans.

If you can provide more info about the above specified files then we can focus in more granular way to your issues.

Cheers !!!
Sumit Malik
Hey Chandra do try this option

jar cvfM FirstEJB.jar -C com/ META-INF/ .

I hope this would solve your issue.

Cheers !!!
Sumit Malik
Hey Nik that is all about personal preference !!!

Well, Mumbai & pune are bit costlier as compare to Delhi( & its adjacent areas). If this preference would have given to me then I would have choosen Delhi. But again that my personal preference and it vary from person to person.

If you compare these(three) cities pertaining IT prospective then all of them are same.

17 years ago
Hey Bear Bibeault yours you refers to whom
17 years ago
I think this link would help you up...

Cheers !!!
Sumit Malik
17 years ago
Hey Amar Nath Jha just uncomment the System.out.println statements and give a shot.....

Cheers !!!
Sumit Malik
17 years ago
Hey VJ,

You are getting value in x1 because when on server side your fmt tag was parsed and in that you have specified dialog.close as key which is present in Application files.

In second case when your fmt tag was parsed there is key with value as temp and not as dilaog.close.

This is just the simple execution case of javascript because value in temp will be filled when you jsp will be rendered on browser and not on server side.

I hope i have clarified your doubt !!!

Cheers !!!
Sumit Malik
17 years ago
Hi Rajesh,

You can give a try with specifying type attribute in bean efine tag as

<bean efine id="test" name="item" property="link" type="java.lang.String"/>

or try like <%=item.getLink()%> without specifying bean

Cheers !!!
Sumit Malik
17 years ago