Manish S Malhotra

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Recent posts by Manish S Malhotra

EJB Exception Handling: Its in the EJB1.1 specs.

Do not rely for all the answers on these mock exams.

You should though as If you are developing this application.

I will do with B.
As none of the other talks in terms of socket connection.
And A / D are totally wrong.
So, need to choose between B and C.
C is also wrong because in question nothing is mention about the IIOP support at the device end.
So, go with B.

Can you please read GoF.
That will clear your doubts.

Reverse Proxy as name suggests is opposite to what Proxy use to do.
If proxy is meant to handle the request from inside network to the outside world, RP handles request from outside world to your network server.

Its like load balancer, but an intelligent LB, which can redirect request to specific server in the cluster depending on the type of request.
Like static html request to server1 and dynamic jsp/servlet request to server2. These servers you can choose on the basis of capacity of the servers. Static html servers would be less in capacity and latter one would be of higher capacity ( RAM + processor etc).

Hope this will help.

You are getting good score from whizlabs, if you read the ex. of other people.
I haven't used whizlabs

You will get not a single question of MDB's or J2EE Design Patterns so dont bother about that, so if remove those questions from the test your score would be more then 80% and that is a very good score in whizlabs.
You will find the main exam little easier then these mock one.

For reviewing, I have just studied EJB for one whole day and then on the day before exam I have just revise all the topics from the notes of Pete and other .
On the last day I studied in the morning for 2 hours and then around 15-20 mins before exam.
But I suggest you just study for around 1-2 hrs on the exam day in the morning and leave studying anything before exam for around 1-2 hours.
And have a nice sleep before the exam morning.
Be fresh before exam because it requires your mind to work there.
Use your common sense while answering questions.

Rest of the things will come into place.
Just brush up few things from EJB like transaction, what happen to the Transaction when this exception throws.
There is table given in the EJB specs in the Exception handling chapter.

BEST OF LUCK for the EXAM. You will be successful

Use this link:
It will ask for your yahoo's username / pass.

See the left Panel there you will find two important links:
1. link
2. files.

See both you will find material.

but Rania, on legacy connectivity there are only basic ways which you can read from the Notes of many people available in Java Ranch only.

Then for the use of JavaIDL and RMI/IIOP for Corba legacy and Java connectivity.
Remember thumb rule:
1. If Java Client needs to communicate with CORBA server then answer is JavaIDL.
2. If CORBA client needs to communicate with Java / RMI Server then answer is RMI/IIOP.

This will solve all questions regarding Corba-Java connectivity.

Hi Rania,

As per the notes I have studied:

JRMP - naming service uses 1099; object servers allocated ports dynamically

So, if the Q's is about object servers then its dynamic and if its general for JRMP then its 1099.
Even IIOP uses dynamic port for the naming service also.

Hope this will help.

Hi Rania,

Please download documents from the yahoo scea group links.
You have to join this group to download the documents, there you will find documents for all the topics.

And see this link also
And find there is one PDF which is made by Pete Morgan as the study note there also you woll find good notes of Comm.Arch also.

Hope this will help.

Thanks a lot Blue star and Siva for your encouragement.

GoF uses C++ and Smalltalk in sample code section for all the design patterns.
But I think at least from the DP point of view it is understandable.
So, few things are not relevant to java as friend functions etc. and even thye have given example in Smalltalk, which I haven't red much.
See this link to buy from Amazon site:

Thanks & Regards,
Manish Malhotra
Hi Srinivas,

Thanks for encouraging me.

It will take atleast 2 months for studying and most important digesting what we are studying. Definitely with your daily office work.

Then finally take around 2 weeks and do hard review and try to find out the points in the topics where we are lacking, After finishing all the books and basic articles.
You can search for scea yahoo group in search site it will give you the link.
And then you can register and then you will get the links for all the documents stored there.

And one more thing which I forgot to write in my long last mail that I want to thanks to my wife also, who has suffered with me for all this period when I have to prepare for this exam.
So thanks to my wife.


As every body has his / her own day, I was having today.
I cleared the Part I of SCEA exam.
By God grace with 95% .
I have sent this mail just to share my experience with all the Java Ranchers.

Don't go with the percentage, I haven't done any thing brilliant and not I'm .
But satisfied that I got passed what I aim and I tried to cement by basics and studied many new things which will help me a lot in the future.

Many - Many thanks to Java Ranchers, who helped me a lot to clear many things and many people who have responded to my questions ( many) which may be sometime very basic.
But thanks for your patience

I'm more then happy, because there are many reasons as every body use to have but still I'll write because it may be useful to the people who are planning and preparing for this exam and in the same situation like me.

Before this I never any certification exam, even not any exam after my graduation , except few companies entrance papers and nor I am a very fast learner, moderate is the right word for me.

I'm not SCJP, SCWCD or SCDBCD and having 4.5 yrs of work ex in java / j2ee.

So, it was a tough path for me to give this exam and the other hindrances were I was not doing any thing in J2EE from around last 2 years and did EJB coding around 2 years back. And from last two years I was involved in some small R & D and mainly with Core Java + DB + XML's.

But many thanks to my colleague Atul, who is senior to me, he gave me courage to give this exam and then I started.
And many thanks to my boss, who gave me some time to prepare this exam.

I think you all would be tiring of reading this Oscar award receiving kind of script
But I worked little hard to clear by basics of many which I have used long back or even which I haven't even used many technologies practically like in Security like SSL etc.
So, some times having tough time to conceptualize each and every thing.

Now for things which I have to actually tell.

I got 60% in Legacy Connectivity, and in rest of the topics I got 100% marks.

I have used broadly these links and books for the preparation:

For study:
1. Marc Cade's Book.
2. Paul Allen books - Few chapters thoroughly and few just quickly
3. Enterprise JavaBeans�, Third Edition, by Richard Monson-Haefel (Whole book for revising each and every thing regarding EJB's, didnt get time in the last to review.)
4. EJB_specs_1.1 ( Mainly Session bean / Entity Beans - Client/Container contract chapter, Transaction, Exception) But study only after you have studied any basic book of ejb and basics are clear to you. Like I did, this is my personal opinion.
5. Mastering EJB 2nd Edition - Ed Roman ( Transations, EJB API)
6. Firewall & Clustering - OnJava articles (study like reverse proxy, stateful firewalls etc. by easily searching on net)
7. Design Patterns - None other then GoF. Firstly I have studied this book in that much detail and thoroughly. And its worth for giving this much time.
And find some corresponding J2EE API which are based on some patterns from
Stephan Notes, I think I got this from Yahoo Architect Group.
8. Security from many notes - Paul Allen for few things like from J2EE point of view. Java2 Security notes from sun. Ramu's notes of yahoo group.
9. Legacy Connectivity - Ramu's notes from Yahoo grp., Paul Allen book.
10. Common Architecture: Paul Allen.
11. Applicability of J2EE: Core J2EE patterns ( Thats give me some hang over of J2EE, which wasnt there from long time for me, Paul Allen.
12. Messaging: Paul Allen chapter.

And by default Marc Cade book for all the topics.

Mock Exams:
I use all the links given in the Java Ranch links.
+ ( there are many given, but I saw only few randomly)

I think those are enough.

You will find these mocks very helpful to get the feel of the exam pattern.

Last day I have used notes of:
1. Stephan - only for Design Patterns
2. John Wetherbie Notes
3. IBM guild for SCEA : j-scea-a4.pdf

Few suggestions: I did initial some mistake by staring solving answers for the topics I use to finish from one book or article but not stably cleared the doubts on that topic. And then few answers I use to give right and few wrong.
For wrong one I use to see the explanations ( if available) and try to clear my doubts. There are two problem with this approach that the answers may be wrong so your fundamentals may become wrong and that is the worst thing.
Secondly, when you will give these papers or questions for your final review you are having some where in your mind that you have already know the answer so you will not put your efforts to solve the problem (It happens with me).
This could also be a problem in the final exam, even if you get the same question

Now the experience of my paper, as I have told earlier mock exams helps me a lot.
Questions were not that tough as everybody use to say, I realized today
I have finished in appx. 45 mins the first round. Then did two rounds of

Most of the questions were not ambiguous ( as per my understanding).

2-3 Scenario based questions were the tough one and 2-3 legacy conn. one where I missed the points.

But as many people have already told that try to think what you think and not the mock exams use to tell. And finally it all depends on your day, I believe in this also, atleast for the questions which are going to come in the paper.

Again thanks to all of you for and Java Ranch site helping me out to clear this exam.

I'm exhaustive right now and not thinking about the Part II.
So, will not be sending any questions and doubts for some time alteast.

Just to say bye but one doubt , Is there any time limit constraint to give the second part after clearing Part I, for e.g. within 6 months or 1 Year I have to clear the second and third Part.

Thanks & Regards,
Manish Malhotra
Thanks for your reply Jibu, and congrats for becoming SCEA .
Its part time for you.

But Legacy Con, and Messaging is not included in the Cade's book.

Thats why I have asked the alternative.

Hope you will share your experience with me to guide.

Hi Frank,
Thanks for your time and conformance.

It means Cade's book has given wrong data, that is very rare.

Hope to get rest of the things right

Frank are you using the free mock exams for the practice or you are using wizlab one.

If using the free one as I'm using, whats the score you are able to achieve in those, and if you already cleared part I, then how much these free mock exams helps for the real exams from the quality point of view.

We cant rely on the answers of the mock exams that I understood.

Hi Gururaj,
Congrats for your result and thanks for the explanation.

Few questions regarding the mock exams and there level.

I haven't bought the Whizlabs mock exam package.
But I have used most of the free available on net. Plus have seen many of the sample questions available in various groups. ( like 288 question document )

I want to ask that as per your experience does it seems necessity to buy the whizlab exam or If I have used the other mocks plus the sample questions will give me enough experience for taking the challenge.

Few questions in the exam available on site I found wrong.
And I also scored 70% in its first exam. I have to give the 2nd one.
Even in this simulator the problem is that the mutiple choice questions dont specify that how much you have to select, so most of the questions I found were getting wrong because of that, other wise we could score more in these exams.

If you will reply quickly the it would be great, as I'm running out of time.
Otherwise I have to post pone the exam ....


In Cade's book realization relationship symbol is given as

Dashed line with a solid closed arrow at the end.

And Realization in Java could be used to define the interface implementation relationship between interface and a class.

But to represent Realization relationship in some articles on net it is given as:
dashed line with closed arrow at the end and not the solid closed arrow at the end.

So, could any body please explain or authenticate which is the correct one.
