Johan Vandevenne

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since Jun 03, 2001
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Ok, thnx all for replying...
I think I will use the spec as a reference indeed if things are a little unclear to me.
I don't like reading the spec after HFE because I will miss the pictures and all he things which make HFE such a nice peace of work to read.
Great job Kathy and Bert...
I'm reading HFE at the moment because I'm preparing for the SCBCD exam. I just want to know if it is really necessary to read the spec to pass the exam ?
I admit, I don't feel like reading it after reading HFE, the specs are just too boring
I have the following problem. I have a serializable object which I pass between 2 EJB's. These EJB's are located in 2 seperate EAR files. When I pass a Vector of these objects between those 2 beans, I get a ClassCastException in the receiving EJB. I am completely sure that those 2 EAR's have the same version of this class in their classpath's.
Also, an instanceof resturns false, but when I walk through the code with a debugger, I look into the Vector and see that there are indeed objects inside which have the name of the class which I'm trying to cast. So It's really weird.
I use Websphere 5.
Maybe someone has already encountered this problem before, or all sugestions or ideas are welcome...
Johan Vandevenne
[ May 12, 2003: Message edited by: Johan Vandevenne ]
21 years ago
I would like to know if it is possible to create a Javamail session in WSAD 5. I know it is possible in Weblogic but I cannot find it in WSAD 5.
21 years ago
I've finished my assigment and I'm in the final testing phase. Everything works fine on Windows platform and now I want to test on another platform also.
I only have access to a Red Hat Linux machine. Is it enough to test it on a Linux ? Is the behaviour on a Solaris and a Linux the same or do I have to test on a Solaris also ??
I'm finishing my FBN application and I would like to know if it is needed to have help in the application itself.
I explained how to use the application in the readme.txt file, but maybe it is needed or nicer to provide it in the application as well.
I have to load a DLL which is bundled in a JAR. If I do not include them in a JAR, I can load the DLL with System.load(thePath). This works fine.
Now to load it from a JAR i do this:
// Get current classloader
ClassLoader cl = this.getClass().getClassLoader();

// Create path
String lsFile = new String((cl.getResource("STDCExcel.dll")).getPath());
// load DLL
The System.load gives me a unsatisfiedlinkError, the lsPath variable contains: file:/C:/JRE/1.3.1/lib/ext/office.jar!/STDCExcel.dll
The Office.jar is infact the correct JAR which contains the DLL.
What's wrong ?? thnx
23 years ago
Hello Ranchers,
Today i took the exam and passed with 76%. The exam was harder than I expected. I did alot of mock exams as preparation but the real exam was harder than all the test exams I did. I had alot of questions about Threading, especially with sychronized code. This is a very important topic. Also Inner classes is important.
I would like to thank all the people here at Javaranch. I read alot of postings and it has certainly helped me alot...
Thnx again...
23 years ago