Anshul Malpani

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since Mar 05, 2007
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Recent posts by Anshul Malpani

I am using the Websphere 6.0 scheduler. If my program throws any exception the scheduler calls the process method again and program goes to infinte loop. I want to restrict that.

Any solution...

15 years ago
You cannot type cast a map directly to Clob. You do (Clob)map.get("clob")
Try this . and tell
Not getting your question properly.

See casting is depending on your requirment. Like primitive type casting.

Superclass sub-class casting used when you want to achive the polymorphism.
have you sloved the problem.

You get the ServletOutputStream object and flush the file in to the outputstream. this will work.
16 years ago
See there is specific use of servlet. Not for Design purpose.
One more thing Understanding the JSP properly you should have good knowledge of servlet. Servlet takes less time to load in memory compare to jsp. Because translation time involves.

If you are Java programmer you will find Servlet is good for writeing the java code.
16 years ago
Please tell do you want special way to insert this .

IF not then take in to FileInputStream and insert.
16 years ago
I have also faced the same problem. So while creating the Outputstream I have passed the Encoding format CP-1251 then it started working try to pass your encoding format. One more thing save your XMl file in Desktop and try to open it with uniread. If its looking corrupted then if your are using VM then save the Vm with your encoding format
16 years ago
This solution is of 1.6. DO you have another one for 1.4 or 1.5.

If Yes please tell
16 years ago
Read the Plymorphism topic in Katty seria. Chapther Number 2.
16 years ago
Ya there is a Big difference... In java 1.4 You have only Classes, Interfaces

But in Java 5 we have added with Anotations,Enum these are the big feature in java 5.
16 years ago
We have seen that but we are mainly concentrating on Question asked. I think the second option is better. Bcz Local variable can be garbage colleted. But performance wise first one is better Bcz Variable initilized on the creation time will save the time.
16 years ago