suguna ramesh

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since Mar 07, 2007
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Recent posts by suguna ramesh

thank you very much it is working in eclipse.

if you can help me how to do it in NetBEans
17 years ago
i have set the CLASSPATH in the environmental variables for jess.jar

import jess.* is working if i am using java in command promt.

the same i tryed in eclipse and NetBeans i am getting the same error.

how to set CLASSPATH in eclipse and NetBeans or i have to copy the jess.jar to any of the package of eclipse and NetBeans.
17 years ago
when i executed a jess program in Eclipse i got Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space.

How can i change the heap size. I am having java6.0 in my system.

can any one help me witing program to change -Xms command line parrameter for java6.0 or steps to change the heap size in java6.0
17 years ago
i neade a program to modify the heap size of JVm.

i think we have to moify the -Xms command line parrameter but i do not know how to do it.

can any one help me.
17 years ago
i have imported jess.* in to a java program.

when i executed it i got an error "jess package does not exist"

i have copied the jess.jar to the bin of java and even i have set the CLASSPATH in environment variables to the path of jess.jar in the jess folder. but still i am getting the same error.

can any one help me.
17 years ago