arnie frenato

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since Mar 08, 2007
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Recent posts by arnie frenato

Hi, is it possible to use java to create the client and c as the server?
I've asked last time in #java at quakenet if it's possible to create something like this AT&T Text-to-Speech Demo in java. There was one who said yes using the FreeTTS Speech Synthesizer. My problem is how to send to the java application the text inputted in the form. Any solution?

Hope to hear from you, guys, soon. Thanks!
17 years ago

My problem is:

When the button is clicked, it would append to the text area the string "Number 1" to "Number 39".. Can you guys fix it?
17 years ago
button.addActionListener(...) what's '...' ?
17 years ago
you can probably see that there is no variable assigned to the newly created buttons..
17 years ago
So, how do I add actionlisteners to this buttons?
17 years ago
Uhm, my problem is actually this.. Everytime you join a channel, it creates a new tab on the JTabbedPane.. The created new tab has a JPanel with a JTextArea inside it.. I'm having trouble on displaying the text messages on the the correct JTextArea of the correct tab.. So, any solution?

Thanks in advance..
17 years ago
IRC Client problem - kindly check the codes..

Is it possible to display the text in the textfield to the textarea on the focused tab?

Thanks in advance.. Sorry, as of now, the code is messy..
[ March 13, 2007: Message edited by: arnie frenato ]
17 years ago
Okay, got it. Thanks. One last question. How do I do this - if a button is clicked, it'll create another button, label, or textfield - ?

Thanks again
17 years ago
How about putting another button on the AnotherClass and that button will have an action to perform?
17 years ago
uhm, for example.. I created a class with a button in it.. If I click the button, I would like it to open another gui class that I've created.. How do i do that?
17 years ago
I tried installing the mysql-connector-java-3.0.17.
I copied the mysql-connector-java-3.0.17-ga-bin.jar to the javadir\jre\lib\ext (like it said in the documentation) and tried this code:

after compiling, the errors were that it didn't recognize the Statement, Conenction, and DriverManager Objects. Is there a problem with the code or in the installation?

I'm looking forward to hearing from you guys soon.
Got it. Thanks!

But what if I had two buttons? How do I give each a function?
[ March 09, 2007: Message edited by: arnie frenato ]
uhm, i've created this class.. what it does as you can see is just provide a function for connecting.. i created a simple gui with one connect button.. the connection was successful although the button became kinda stuck..
can you guys create a GUI with one connect button and that the function it'll perform is connect and run?.. - url of the class

am looking forward to hearing from you guys soon. Thanks in advance