Sam Sunamin

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since Mar 16, 2007
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Recent posts by Sam Sunamin

Thank you Guys. Problem found: I had two version of JRE (1.50_22) and JRE6(1.6_15), and one JDK which is 1.6 version.

I used JDK 6 to generate .keystore, and JRE1.5 to compile and run application for Tomcat.

Anyway, I unistalled all JRE and JDK. And reinstalled JDK1.6 and JRE1.6, and re-generate .keystore with default value mentioned by Tomcat. And then it works.
No time to find the detail reason. It works now.
12 years ago
If Tomcat run as a embedded in eclipse, it causes problem.
If Tomcat run as stand alone, the SSL works fine. And no error or exeption found.
Even after I put keystore under path\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.wst.server.core\tmp0\webapps

Anyone has any idea why?

URL without SSL is working- http://localhost:8080/testProject,
however https://localhost:8443/testproject does not work. It shows "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage"
And Tomcat did not get any request.
12 years ago
Dear Guru,

I am trying to enable SSL on port 8443 on my application on TOMCAT.

I already got the TOMCAT ROOT application works. https://localhost:8443.
However, my own application only works for port 8080, and port 8443 does not work.

attached file is my server.xml

Here is the doc I follow.

If I missed something on my app.

Can any help me out?

Thanks and regards,
12 years ago
I got HttpServletResponse as response in UI Bean and use response.setHeader("TITLE","TEST PDF"); to change title.
However it does not work.

Help me out, please!!!
13 years ago
Hi All,

I have a fly pdf to show in jsf file.
I got HttpServletResponse as response. Right, the title will show URL which I don't what to.

I want to show other title like "TEST PDF".

I tried this, however, it does not work.

response.setHeader("TITLE","TEST PDF");

Anyone can help me to solve the problem?

Thank very much in Advance.
13 years ago
Hi All,

I have a fly pdf to show in jsf file.
I got HttpServletResponse as response. Right, the title will show URL which I don't what to.

I want to show other title like "TEST PDF".

I tried this, however, it does not work.

response.setHeader("TITLE","TEST PDF");

Anyone can help me to solve the problem?

Thank very much in Advance.
13 years ago
Thank you very much for your reply.

I got the sample code from sun.

I think this will solve my problem.
15 years ago
Hi Guys,

I have one request from our manager to get response from URL. The response will be xml format.

However, I used the following code which only read the response line by line. It is possible to parse the whole response as xml format in buffer?

The response will be something like

Since it is a small task and I have very short time to do this, can anyone provide any idea? I will really appreciate it.

15 years ago
Hi Web Services Guru,

We have web services server deployed on windows 2003, Application server is IIS 6.0 using .net.

Now we need web services client to consume this web services using Java running on WebSphere 6.1 on AIX box.

Now the client get exception when it tries to get SOAP message.

Inside setHeader(), exception through out from here.
javax.xml.rpc.Stub stub= (javax.xml.rpc.Stub) proxy.getProspectWSSoap();

which is from
__prospectWSSoap = ((com.Scotiabank.ProspectWS)ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/service/ProspectWS")).getProspectWSSoap();

I am not sure what else I need to config to make it work?

15 years ago
Thank you very much for your reply Frank.

My point is that we don't want to have another profile.

We want to use the first profile to install webservices feature packages.

Since we already have applications in the first profiles and we want to have new applications with webservices also deployed in first profiles.

I am not sure if I am clear enough here.
15 years ago
Hi WebSphere Guru,

I just have small requirement to use one webservice from other team.

We do not have webservices on our original websphere6.1 application server. I tried to install webservices feature package on websphere6.1, and I found that there are two websphere6.1 application profiles.
1)WebSphere61\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv01 - Original one for websphere6.1 without webservices feature.
2)WebSphere61\AppServer\profiles\AppSrv02 - application server with webservices feature

It looked to me like two different application server instance since they have different port number.

What I need is that on the same AppSrv01, I need to use it. That's all. I don't want to have two separate application servers.

15 years ago
Thank Eric and Jeanne for your reply.

The problem is solved. User has special requirement when "X","Y" and "Z" is at the beginning and at the end.

Hi Eric,

I already tried

This reg expression will match
'123456', '1234567' for mask 'WWWWWYZ' that is not what I want.

Any idea why? Or what I should do?

Thanks and regards,

Hi Eric or any expert from this forum,

Can someone help me to solve this problem?

Thanks and regards,


Thank you very much for your quick reply.

We have the other several other Charaters to stand for other situation:
A -Alpha no blank
X- A-Z,0-9 and variable blanks,
B- blank,
9- 0-9 numeric only
W = Alpha/Numeric (No Blank)
Y = Alpha/Blank
Z = Numeric/Blank

I didn't make myself very clear here.

"WWWWWYZ" is not the user's possible mask.

They may have mask whatever they what.

They may have "YZWWZYW" or "AAAXXBBWYZ".

So I have to match character by character.

Can your solution satisfy all different kinds of combination?

I will try you solution like:

Thank in advance.
