mary zhang

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since Mar 27, 2007
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Recent posts by mary zhang

Hi Everyone

I am learning to create the program editor which is similar like Netbean. I noticed there are tabs in the panels. The panels could be dragged and moved freely.


The "runtime" could be freely dragged to any area in the left side.

Could anyone kindly tell me what kind of API or component could be used to make tab in panels and dragged freely?

I appreciate if anyone could reply ASAP.

Thanks a lot and have a good day
17 years ago
Hi Everyone

I am learning to create the program editor which is similar like Crimson Editor. I noticed there are windows in the frame. There are directory window and output window and main window. The window could be dragged and moved.

Could anyone kindly tell me what kind of API or component could be used to make window in frame and dragged freely?

I appreciate if anyone could reply ASAP.

Thanks a lot and have a good day
17 years ago