Max Galushka

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since Mar 29, 2007
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Recent posts by Max Galushka

Thanks, that is very helpful.

I have a small question related to Lazy loading features:

Let's imagine that we have a separated database layer that performs some operations with database and contains the method with business logic that retrieves some object in transaction and returns it to client.

Let's imagine that client for this business logic database layer is simple Servlet web application that need to display on the page some details of the retrieved object.

If the fields need to be displayed for such object is marked for lazy-loading - we will get an error on the view (Servlet) layer as far as objects returned by business logic are detached.

How can we manage such typical situations on the view (Servlet) layer of the application, what JPA basic/typical techniques exist for working in similar situations?

Thank you in advance.
Hello Dave,

I have been working with many web application frameworks (and with Grails as well), but in Grails I couldn't find the answer how to integrate my own Java libraries (that possibly use Hibernate and spring themselves) into Grails/Groovy project?

Also is there any possibility to separate presentation logic from business logic (just add some API calls in web layer to business)?

Thanks, for the answers and welcome!
14 years ago
Welcome to JavaRanch and thanks for answering our questions. I have used Eclipse for some of my projects and I'm very interested in RCP part of Eclipse framework for building plugin applications.

As far as I can see from book contents, the most part of the book is for building GUI applications/plugins for Eclipse. Does new book discover of creating custom extentions and extention points for user plugins? And are there some code samples for the book to look into?

Thanks for your answers and it is very nice to see a book that can help to avoid endless digging in eclipse maillists for searching the answers!

The question is regarding SWT.

It is well-known that any view can be detached from main window by dragging it out of the main screen or using built-in view popup menu.
Could you, please, advise how can I detach view from the code of my programm?
15 years ago

Could you, please, advise how to add a few more functional icons to JFrame title bar (like "Minimize", "Maximaze", "Close" icons that already exists)?

15 years ago