Srikanth Nakka

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since Apr 15, 2007
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can any one please reply here i am getting same error like above and not using struts , <jsp:include using >

i want to convert above class to byte array and array size should be 40

please help me on how to convert class to byte array and size should be 40

i want to convert above class to byte array and array size should be 40

please help me on how to convert class to byte array and size should be 40

If i try str = str1 + str2, then how many objects get created.

there are three objects ...... two already exists str1,str2 and new str

my doubt is that str =str + str2 ............ how many objects created

i think 3 objects are old : str , str2 and new : str
two object has reference and one object without reference
correct me if not
if i not specify any modifier will it give me a error
for this example can it possible that, not specifying any access modifier i.e. [default]

correct answer given is: \s0[x][X][0-9a-fA-F]+\s

but what is the use of 0 at third position
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15 years ago

Henry Wong wrote:In your example, there is no subclassing going on.... but yea, you are not allowed to define a non-static non-private method in the subclass, with the same name and signature, as a static method in the super class.


subclass has no access to superclass's static method. so, why there is restriction to define same method name as non-static
and if i define same method name with static in subclass it is compiling properly

Thanks for your help and i have one more doubt that

Hashcodes have nothing to do with there references

so what is the use of hashcode, if you can specify an example that better .

Hi all,
I am preparing for SCJP 6 and i have one Question on String see the code below

hash code for str1: -1704812257
hash code for str2: -1704812257

str1.equals(str2): true
str1 == str2: false

str1 and str2 are pointing to only one reference(same hashcode), so str1 == str2 should be true

Thank you all
if it is on web page you can easily done by javaScript