Tina Tibrewal

Ranch Hand
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since Apr 19, 2007
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Recent posts by Tina Tibrewal

Thanks Bruno.

I got it working. But now the problem I am facing is - It is not writing the header properly. Though I do a getOverContent and getUnderContent and then add tables but somehow the header is not being written. Any suggestions there?

My code looks like -

Thanks Lester.

I already tried that and it works.

But the problem is I have a multiple line header and footer. Adding Multiple line header and footer doesnt seem possible with PdfStampler.

I don’t mind writing temp files, so I tried using PdfCopy to create a new PDF File but the problem is you cant attach events to PdfCopy.

Hi All,

I am stuck with adding a Header and Footer to an existing PDF using iText.

Any clues are appreciated. I have already checked the iText Documentation and
did not find anything matching.

My code goes like below -

If I comment the line

document.add( new Chunk("testing"));

I get an exception

Exception in thread "main" ExceptionConverter: java.io.IOException: The document
has no pages.

Without commenting there are no exceptions but it doesnt add the Header and
Footer. Any clues are highly appreciated.

Or if you could suggest how can I add events to an existing PDF.
I also tried using PDFCopy and adding events to it but seems like you can attach
events only to a writer.

Is there anyways we can add header and footer to an existing PDF?

Have a look at the mocks on java ranch.
Also you can try Whizlabs.
Ok here goes the example:

The output will be mainT1.
When you call run() Directly it will call it from the main thread.
But when you call start a new thread called T1 will be started.

I hope that makes things clear.

The answer will be T1T1T3 only because calling the run method on a thread
doesnt create a new thread.
Only if you call the start method of a thread it will start a new thread.
[ May 16, 2007: Message edited by: Tina Tibrewal ]
Great Score!!

17 years ago
Iterators also provide a remove() method.
This is from the API spec:
"Iterator takes the place of Enumeration in the Java collections framework. Iterators differ from enumerations in two ways:

1)Iterators allow the caller to remove elements from the underlying collection during the iteration with well-defined semantics.
2) Method names have been improved. "
Hi All

I would like some information about devloping a game which will be like a simple obstacle race the difference being the character will be jumping the obstacles based on how hard one blows in the microphone.
Is it feasible using J2ME ??
What all Apis are required and are there any hardware dependencies ??

Any information will be highly appreciated.

[ May 02, 2007: Message edited by: Tina Tibrewal ]
17 years ago
Hi Jamie,

Were you able to find anything for Pitch Recognition.
I am interested in developing a game in which the user blows in the microphone
and depending on the pitch the character jumps obstacles.

17 years ago
Where is the confusion?
I cant think of any other output.
Thats strange.
I got my voucher from NIIT and they gave me a voucher for 5800/-
with a validity for 1 year.
They said I can use it for any SUN Exam.

I went to NIIT only for giving the exam and they did all the setup.
May be its an inappropriate because a cat is not a dog
But not going by class names I too would have gone for none of the above.

Originally posted by megha joshi:

I get why A and C are true.

But can you please elaborate on why E. is true?


This is because finalize in defined as
protected void finalize() throws Throwable.

And since it can throw throwable it can definitely throw Exception which is a subclass of Throwable.