rohit leeta

Ranch Hand
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since May 02, 2007
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Recent posts by rohit leeta

I agree. Make sure that you have a class holding your data and later think serializing it to a file.
17 years ago
Architecture is the result of a design process.
17 years ago

"The first step of a child is the first step to his death." Arthur Schoppenhaur (if I remember correctly)

Inspirational? Am i missing sth?
17 years ago
I am using Sage plugin of Firefox.
17 years ago
I guess there is an error in the last sentence of that FAQ item.

It is:

"In short in java, object references are passed by value and primitive types are passed by value."

Shouldn't it be:

"In short in java, object references are passed by reference and primitive types are passed by value."
17 years ago
Why dont you start saying it yourself?

I cant name any of them now
17 years ago
It's package manager is great. That is the best point of it IMO. I remember days where i try to find correct version of an RPM for my Redhat based systems
17 years ago
The ads were good but downloading a 19Mb Quicktime (actually i really dont like Quicktime) and restarting the firefox to watch them was very bad..
17 years ago
Interesting articles. Obviously M$ tries to use these patents as cards. I wonder the result of this..
17 years ago
I remember courses/books like "Introduction to Algorithms". So it should be valid and accepted.
17 years ago
If this will be more than a simple application, you can use Lucene!
17 years ago

The Oak 0.2 specification appears to suggest this was a performance optimization.

Interesting research.
17 years ago