Shailja Sheetal

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since May 03, 2007
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I have done that now.


I came to know about IBM 486 OOAD Certification. Can anyone please let me know if there is nay advantage in doing that?

Thank yoo all for responding. Yes I found JRE in JDK and JDK too has its own tools for execution of a Java Program, so I thought why is JRE needed. Now I understand that if one has bytecode then one just needs to have JRE on his machine to execute them.Thank you all once again
17 years ago
I am into Java programming since few years but still have a small confusion. JDK has utilities for compiling and executing java programs i.e. javac and java then why we need JRE? Does JRE need to be there for providing JVM only? I have found that JRE interprets byte code into machine specific code and thereby executes them , I understand that the same thing is done by java.exe launcher. ISnt it?
17 years ago