Petr Antos

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since Jun 12, 2001
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Hi all, can you post here known JSP free-hosting providers with short description of their pros and cons?
23 years ago
Hi Jeremy,
I am quite newbie to JAVA API and therefore I dont know much about AWT yet. In fact, project I want to realize requires realtime serialport (for MIDI sequencing), which should be writen in "some way of C or assembly", as Palm ports of Java VM does not support standard JNI often. But as Julia says, kAWT is possibility. And, in VAME is java non-compliant profile with direct support of Palm API and using standard Palm GUI resources created by PilRC. VAME and J9 are cool, but for Palm there is many limitations with natural use of this cool tools (debugger, profiler, ...). In fact VAME defines some small GUI called MicroView for faster platforms, but not for Palm (Yet) Palm is relatively slow agains to WinCE processors, that is simply FACT.
Try VAME, this environment is very simple and understandable, in parallel with Java packages, classes, methods ... but environment is one thig and supported platform API other...
Latest VAME 1.3 has J2ME CLDC compliant profile for Palm too...
Hope this helps I love VAME
23 years ago
What about this topic? It seems for me very cool...
But I dont know if this isnt much useful only with
IBMs J9 VM and only on supported platforms and with IBM classes only ...
Definitely, I love this environment as is. I have tried to compile some WABA example with VisualAge 1.0, for which I have
nice interactive tutorial on CD, successfully.
Then I found VAME and his set of neat tools at no cost surprised me. In fact I am JAVA beginner, but not OOP or programming beginner at all.
If you want small but powerful IDE for Win32 then try
RealJ, or better, JCreator too! They need significantly less resources of your machine to run!!!
23 years ago
Of course, VisualAge Micro Edition (formerly VAME) is best ebject oriented java environment at all, IMHO
23 years ago