Gabriel Vargas

Ranch Hand
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since May 16, 2007
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Recent posts by Gabriel Vargas

Congrats, i have almost the same score!!!
16 years ago
Hi Bert,

Thanks for the advice, i'm reading actually the book for second time to take the exam, and it is very, very good. I'm wonder what version of servlets and jsp uses the book. Again, thanks for this marvelous book.
Great score, congrats...
16 years ago
Congratulations Adrian, Well done
Congratulations, not a lot of people are SCJD, (also i want a high score), but ant the end i learn a lot of things than maybe i didn't learn in another way.
Congratulations Mike, this is a very good score. Andrew in his book recomends generate stubs for a RMI solution, but maybe the people of sun forget to check this because since Java 5 generates the stubs dinamically.
Congratulations John,
Hi Alex,

Congratulations, I know how you fell about this score .
Wow, great score, congratulations