Sanjeev Debnath

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since May 25, 2007
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Can any one please reply to above post? Please help me to solve this program.

I am developing one JMS client and would like to show the list of all the queues in that server in my swing client.
I searched over the net for getting help to retrieve the list of jndi names of queues from server, but no benefit.
Please help me to get rid of this situation.

Sanjeev Debnath
Hi Rob,

Thanks a lot!!!
You save my day.

It fixed my problem.

Thanks again....
15 years ago
Hi Sugantha

Thank you for the reply.
But its not working. I tried your suggestion, but after entering value in textfield which is a cell,
I clicked on the button and the textfield/cell's content disappeared and returning to the same situation.
15 years ago

I have a jtable, created a table model and a table cell editor.
The cell editor is JTextField. When I click on any cell, it turns to text field and I edit the contents.
When I click on another cell, the content of the text field reflected to the table model.
But when I click on any JButton outside the table after editing the text in the text field inside the cell,
the contents are not reflecting in the model.

In my table model setValue(), I called the fireTableDataChanged() method.

Please help me.
15 years ago
To implement the example scenario,

you need to add the ActionListner on you Country ComboBox and handle the event within this listener.
For example, whenever user chooses any country, query your DB to get the cities for the selected country and update the model of
the cities combo box so that the City ComboBox will display the updated data.

Refer to this link for more information: How to Use Combo Boxes.

And to set any item selected in the combo box, check the below examples:
15 years ago
Hi Ulf,

I searched on the net for IMAP support on Hotmail and got to know that Hotmail only support POP3 and SMTP

So the conclusion is that I will not be able to access other folders in hotmail.

Thanks for the explanation and help
15 years ago
Thank you for the reply.

If POP3 cannot retrieve more than one folder, then which protocol I have to use? I heard about IMAP but haven't tried yet.
I assumed to authenticate the login by using Authenticator.
And I read in many blogs for making any pop3 request, we need to make the SSL flag to true.
Thats what I wanted to ask, that how we can I set the flag isSSL property to true? I noticed this flag in the debug information.
15 years ago
Hi Everyone,

I am writing one simple email client and trying to access the hotmail through the java mail client.
I succeeded to login to hotmail account, but I am getting only INBOX folder.
I want to access the list of folders in Hotmail, like the user created and the default ones for ex. Sent, Draft etc.
One more issue I am facing is unable to use Authenticator to use with POP3. In other words, I want to use the SSL for pop3 connection to login to hotmail.
Below one is my program which is used to login and displays that it has only 1 folder i.e INBOX and when I check for other folder whether it exists or not, it returns false.

If any one knows how to get the list of folders in an email account using pop3, please help me.
Thank you.
15 years ago
Hi Riyad,

I am using the Eclipse 3.3 version, the open source one. Does the latest version of MyEclipse supports the JSF? Or I need to add some extra plugin to it?

And does the MyEclipse IDE has a inbuilt Jsp GUI Editor plus Configuration Editor for Struts Config file and JSF Config file?
Hi Navdeep,

As you stated that you want to convert a VB application in Java and you have 2 choices.

If you want to convert the VB application into a Java Web Application then you should go for JSF (Java Server Faces).

And if you want to convert the VB application into a Java Stand Alone Application then you should go for Swing. Although Swing have different libraries which are available for VB, you can look for rich third party libraries. SOme of them are free.

I hope you got my view.
17 years ago
Hello Authors,
I want to know that can we use GWT with java web applications or it is totally different technology?

Is this book is for beginners? How can we use GWT to improve web application?
17 years ago
This thing you can't do in iReport. You have to generate the jrxml code manually from the java program. First of all read the jrxml file by opening it in any text editor. You can see the various sections into that jrxml. Point out to the <queryString> tag. Just write your query into this place at run time and save your jrxml file. And then do what you want.
17 years ago
[ UD: removed link to copyrighted maetrial ]
[ May 25, 2007: Message edited by: Ulf Dittmer ]

To view the jasper report in web, you don't need any JasperViewer Object. Take the report data from the JasperPrint object and send the buffer to the browser and it will give the exact view of the jasper report. If you want the full description then reply this post. I will give you example code.