Vaibhav Naikwade

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since Jun 05, 2007
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Recent posts by Vaibhav Naikwade

Thanks Daniel and Jeanne.

Just to clarify; I am using WAS7.0 as my app server; I have CMP beans which are doing CRUD operations, for this its obvious it must be generating sql statements behind the scene.
I wanted to know that is there any configuration parameter in ejb-jar.xml or WAS profile which enable me to log these sqls in log file. I am not able to analyse what CMP beans are doing behind the scenes. I am used to hibernate and know how to turn on sql logging just by setting hibernate.show_sql parameter. I want similar feature for EJB CMP beans.

I wanted to view\log SQL statements generated/fired to database server from WebSpere App Server 7.0 at runtime. I am new to EJB world. I want something similar to show_sql=true of hibernate config feature to analyse how WebSpere generated sqls for CMP beans.

Any help or pointers are greatly appreciated.

Yes right,

Problem is with excel sheet. If I simply enter numeric value more than 10 to 12 digits without any cell formatting
it converts it some form. Its not a scientific notation, so i could not apply reverse formula as well.

Apache POI API would have helped me but I could not use that as well. It will make lots of classes to go in garbage and architectural changes.

15 years ago
Hi All,

I am facing a problem in importing excel sheet in java application and intern inserting rows in oracle database.
One columns in excel sheet is holding numeric value and data length of that particular column is 17 digits.
Excel automatically converting the value of that column in some format (seems exponential) i.e. 12345678901234500 becomes 1.23E+16.
I am parsing this excel file and fetching cells in string, So when i try to ready 12345678901234500 value i get 1.23E+16 and as it is its getting inserted in database.
Does anybody faced similar problem ever? How do I retain or reformat this value. I dont have control over excel sheet so i can't format as its coming by import process from client.

Any help is appreciated.
15 years ago
Hi All !
I have developed a web service using Eclipse IDE and trying to test it,its working fine with Eclipse Web Service Launcher....I have develop a client also its working fine when i use IP address of server I mean i am getting response string but when i use server name...It gives me Fault string saying...

<faultstring> [myserver name] </faultstring>

Can anybody help me our to resolve this problem.
[ July 16, 2007: Message edited by: Vaibhav Naikwade ]
17 years ago