viswanath balam

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since Jun 25, 2007
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Recent posts by viswanath balam

Hi Friends,
Im trying to prepare for Web services certification, can you please suggest me which material and best practices are best for this. If you people have any good and best material can you please forward to me.

Thanks and Regards

[ UD: removed email address, since we like to UseTheForumNotEmail ]
[ August 27, 2008: Message edited by: Ulf Dittmer ]
15 years ago

How to compile and run a sample stateless session bean from a command prompt. Can anybody had tried, if please reply with steps.

I'm getting this problem while running my simple client.
javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Need to specify class name in environment or system property, or as an applet parameter, or in an application resource file: java.naming.factory.initial
Can any body came across this problem, if yes , please help me in this.

Can you please send me the pdf to this mail id :

16 years ago

Can you please send me the pdf to this mail id :

Can you please send me the pdf to this mail id :

Can you please send me the pdf to this mail id :

16 years ago

I'm getting this problem while running my simple client.
javax.naming.NoInitialContextException: Need to specify class name in environment or system property, or as an applet parameter, or in an application resource file: java.naming.factory.initial
Can any body came across this problem, if yes , please help me in this.

16 years ago
I need to know, what is the diffarence between these CX-310-091 and CX-310-092 exams. I followed the exam objectives of those two, but i'm not able to figure out the diffarences between these exams. Which one is new and which one is better.

Originally posted by Kousik Majumder:
Thank you JavaRanch.

I have cleared SCJP 5 on 17th Nov '07.
Thanks a lot for such a forum and its members too.

Also lots of thanks to Kathy Siera and Berts Bets to offer us such a wonderful book to study.

Best Wishes

16 years ago
Hi I'm trying to display the pop up window with the some table data. I tried but not able to get the things. ?How to make a popup by passing a hidden parameter and validate that parameter with some other bean and populate the validated data into the pop up window.. for this is there any scrap example to do this..i need help in this. Please as early as possible look into this issue.

Best Regards
16 years ago
Hi I'm trying to display the pop up window with the some table data. I tried but not able to get the things. ?How to make a popup by passing a hidden parameter and validate that parameter with some other bean and populate the validated data into the pop up window.. for this is there any scrap example to do this..i need help in this. Please as early as possible look into this issue.

Best Regards
16 years ago
Hi Everybody
Can anybody has Enthuware free mock exams, or efficient mock exams. Bcz im trying to write scjp 1.5 next week. Im able to write some mock exams available on internet but not able to findout at what %xx im standing. What can i do pls help me in this and provide more mock exam links. Pls its very urgent for me.