amrita karkera

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since Jul 20, 2007
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hi every one i have cleared scjp with scjp 5.0 97%.
16 years ago
hi everyone i would like to know which book would be better to first get understanding of java, i already know, but from the examination point of view. is the completer reference for java good enough to get the concepts very well? then i can start off with katy and bert book for exams? pleases i would like to know your suggestions.
thanking you in advance.
hi everyone
i have completed course in niit for java with j2ee. i am presently working. i have a voucher for scjp exam but i am not sure which exam would be better, 1.5 or 1.4 for me? my voucher last date is feb. but i would like to write the exam by december. i have already purchased k&b book for 1.5. but i have heard that 1.5 is seriously tough. please help me decide and pls suggest which books to go through.

thanking in advance.