Amit Ganatra

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since Jun 19, 2001
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Recent posts by Amit Ganatra

Thanks NS for sending the Developer exam's file for practise.


Originally posted by Joon Park:
as Ajith mentioned in his reply, to check DOMAPI as solution to your query.
I would simply add to it by saying u can use:
NodeList list = doc.getElementsByTageName("Menu");
to each Menu object u can then ask for its childNodes i.e.
NodeList children = Menu.getChildNodes();
Hope this helps,

I'm new to XML processing in Java and I need some help. I have following XML file that I want to extract a vector of store object from:
------<ITEM>Big Burger</ITEM>
------<ITEM>Taco Salad</ITEM>
------<ITEM>Huge Drink</ITEM>
------<ITEM>Big Burger</ITEM>
------<ITEM>French Toast</ITEM>
------<ITEM>Big Burger</ITEM>
------<ITEM>Taco Salad</ITEM>
------<ITEM>Miso Soup</ITEM>
------<ITEM>Sushi Salad</ITEM>
------<ITEM>Huge Drink</ITEM>
How do I go about doing this? I was able to retrieve locations and revenues from it somehow and built a vector of store object, but I couldn't figure out how to retrieve Menu items (Menu items are different from location to location). I hope there is easier way to getting store object. Thanks in advance for your help.
[This message has been edited by Joon Park (edited July 29, 2001).]

Since XML-RPC provides features that are pretty much similar to CORBA i.e. any object can make method calls on any object residing on any server that supports xml-rpc, does CORBA have any plugability to support xml-rpc or SOAP.
23 years ago
Since XML-RPC provides features that are pretty much similar to CORBA i.e. any object can make method calls on any object residing on any server that supports xml-rpc, does CORBA have any plugability to support xml-rpc or SOAP.
23 years ago
Hello friends, I am preparing to appear for Developer exam and would like to get help from u, fellow Java Ranch members, for exam preparation.
If possible can someone kindly extend the exact wordings of the project that he/she downloaded from sun.
Hi Rohini,
Hearty Congratulations for clearing the Developer examination with 94% score.
I too am planning to appear for this examination few months down the line.
Can u tell me what project u had to implement and if possible a detail description of how question exactly looks.
Hope to hear from u

Originally posted by Rohini Sulatycki:
Hello all,
I just received my results and I passed with 147/155 (94.8%). I would like to thank everybody on this group. I have mostly been a silent member of this group but always made sure to look up the latest topics everyday.
Here are the details:
Registration Number: g5adtt0bd7
Site: ksa
Grade: P
Score: 147
Comment: This report shows the total points that could have been
awarded in each section and the actual number of points you were
awarded. This is provided to give you per-section feedback on your
strengths. The maximum possible # of points is 155; the minimum to
pass is 124. General Considerations(maximum = 72): 71 Documentation
(maximum = 10): 9 Object-Oriented Design(maximum = 6): 6 GUI(maximum
= 20): 20 Data conversion program(maximum = 10): 7 Server(maximum =
37): 34
I will be happy to answer any questions that anyone may have.
Rohini Sulatycki

Why dont u use XSL as XSL syantax is implemented in XML lingo and also u have a lot more flexiblity then CSS because CSS is just display where as XSL can also be use to modify the XML file,
and generate the o/p in whatever format u want i.e. u can generate a WML o/p html o/p or other XML file.
XSL provides a lot of flexiblity and looks to be easier as compared to CSS.
Hope this info helps.

Originally posted by Milind Kulkarni:
Hi All,
I am in the process of designing a system for an insurance company. This insurance comapany has number of products for their different types of customers.
We need to design our application in such a way that the system should be flexible enough so that the new products could be added without having to make lot of changes in the existing system.
We plan to have a css (cascading style sheets) for the front end for each of these products and some generic methods which would the processing at the back.
Is there a better way of doing this using XML technology? Please let me know.

by question i meant the programming Assignment and the not 2nd part of the exam i.e. answering the design questions.
Hope to hear from ya,

Originally posted by Jayakumar Duraisamy:
The exam is to make sure that whether you are the person who has done the assignment. U Really don't need to bother about the question. U are given two hrs to complete the written exam. Which is too much for five questions. Believe me, u really don't need to worry about the exam...
Best of luck

I am planning to appear for developer certification exam pretty soon. Is it possible for u to post the exact programming assignment that u obtained from SUN ?
If its against the rules of Java Ranch to post exact questions can u forward me the same via e-mail ?

Originally posted by Jayakumar Duraisamy:
Hi Guys,
I am pleased to post that i have passed the exam with a score of 146/155 [94.2%]. I have been a silent member in this forum except a few times.
Here is my examiner's report...
Grade: P
Score: 146
Comment: This report shows the total points that could have been awarded in each section and the actual number of points you were awarded. This is provided to give you per-section feedback on your strengths. The maximum possible # of points is 155; the minimum to pass is 124. General Considerations(maximum = 58): 53 Documentation(maximum = 20): 19 GUI(maximum = 24): 23 Server(maximum = 53): 51
Once again, Thanks to all and Java Ranch Forum
With Warm Regards

Sun Certified Java Programmer for Java 2 Programming
Hi all,
Does XML-RPC call support name spaces and Schemas ?
In a XML RPC call, if I have to ship an object to a server so that server can extract that info from the received object, do some computation and send back a different object..
how can i do so ?
Hope to hear from u.
Sun Certified Java Programmer for Java 2 Programming
Hi Ajith,
The solution which u have mentioned works. I am reading a book which mentioned abt plugablity of Parsers into Jaxp by using Factories i.e. each vendor specific Parser that u wanna plug into JAXP should have a special Factory class and i need to have a special JAXP pacakage in that vendor specific parser....and as of now only xerces has that JAXP plugablity. I never this soln existed.
Where can I find the documentation for this plugablity options. I just wanna preserve it for future use.
Thanx for ur help..

Originally posted by Ajith Kallambella:
The System class maintains a set of properties, key/value pairs, that define traits or attributes of the current working environment. When the runtime system first starts up, the system properties are initialized to contain information about the runtime environment. including information about the current user, the current version of the Java runtime, and even the character used to separate components of a filename.
Checkout Java Tutorial section on System properties for an excellent introduction to how and when the properites can be used.
JAXP uses "org.xml.sax.parser" as key for SAX Parser class name.
You can use the System properties to tell JAXP to use a specific SAX/DOM parser. You can either tweak the properties file externally or inside your program. Here's an example -
[b]System.setProperty ("org.xml.sax.parser","<QualifiedpathToYourParser>");

Hope that helps!

Originally posted by Ajith Kallambella:
The System class maintains a set of properties, key/value pairs, that define traits or attributes of the current working environment. When the runtime system first starts up, the system properties are initialized to contain information about the runtime environment. including information about the current user, the current version of the Java runtime, and even the character used to separate components of a filename.
Checkout Java Tutorial section on System properties for an excellent introduction to how and when the properites can be used.
JAXP uses "org.xml.sax.parser" as key for SAX Parser class name.
You can use the System properties to tell JAXP to use a specific SAX/DOM parser. You can either tweak the properties file externally or inside your program. Here's an example -
[b]System.setProperty ("org.xml.sax.parser","<QualifiedpathToYourParser>");

Hope that helps!

How Can i configure JAXP's SAXParserFactory class to use IBM's parser with ?
Which parsers other than Xerces provide plugablity into JAXP?


Sun Certified Java Programmer for Java 2 Programming
Books like XML in nutshell from O'Reilly press and XML and Java by Brett McLaughlin are good books for begineers and developers.
Can anyone suggest a good beginner's XML Book for a person with Java experience??

I think, the answer for the fist question should be SAX parser, because question specificaly mentinons, Memory may be a constraint and DOM parsers are heavy on memory when XML documents are very large.
As u know, the DOM parser builds the DOM tree (in memory) for the entire XML document before parsing it. Hence for a large XML document performance of the application would be hit badly if a DOM parser is used.
For 2nd question a seems to be an approporiate choice because it mentions that document is to be processed sequentially and only SAX parsers have this feature.
Hope this helps,

Originally posted by Brooklyn Luo:
I have 2 questions regarding DOM/SAX test from Java Ranch's XML Exam List.
4.There is XML data document which is very large. The application is to extract the very few of its information from document. The memory & speed may be a constraint. Which is the most likely method to be implemented?
a) Extract the information using SAX API, event based methods.
b) To extract the information using DOM API.
c) To extract the necessary information and process using XSLT.
d) To use schema based approach.
Can someone tell me why a is not correct?
11. Use of SAX based parser is most likely to be used in which of the following scenarios?
a) You want to process the document in a sequential order only.
b) The documents is very large.
c) When there is no need to validate XML documents.
d) The parser implements only SAX based approach.
I think b is also OK.


Sun Certified Java Programmer for Java 2 Programming