fred rosenberger wrote:According to the API:
Replaces each substring of this string that matches the literal target sequence with the specified literal replacement sequence. The replacement proceeds from the beginning of the string to the end, for example, replacing "aa" with "b" in the string "aaa" will result in "ba" rather than "ab".
Of course, you could always write a quick program to test various cases and see for yourself what it does.
Tim Holloway wrote:A session-scope bean and a JSF session-scope Managed Bean are one and the same thing. Which is to say, a JavaBean that can be located by obtaining the user's HttpSession object and using the getAttribute() method. The only difference between a traditional J2EE session object and the JSF one is that JSF constructed and initialized it. After that, it's completely impossible to tell the two types of session objects apart.
Tim Holloway wrote:Just store it in a session-scope bean.
Tim Holloway wrote:And yes, it can't hurt to try running Tomcat under the Sun/Oracle JDK VM instead of IBM's J9. J9 is supposed to work, but we all have our off-days. Just install the Oracle JDK, set JAVA_HOME to point to it and launch Tomcat.
Tim Holloway wrote:Actually, it's more common that something goes CPU-crazy or hangs waiting for I/O or network. So looking at the stacktraces for the threads is where I usually start. And yes, the dump is what I meant.
Tim Holloway wrote:BTW, I do hope you removed the servlet-api.jar from the Lids webapp..
Tim Holloway wrote:
Tomcat isn't prone to hanging up on its own, so the fault is almost guaranteed to be in the webapp. Logging may or may not reveal the root cause. You need to fix it, but you should also consider taking a diagnostic snapshot of the running system just to see what's going on after Tomcat freezes
Tim Holloway wrote:
Because I been there and I dun that and I have the scars to prove it!
Tim Holloway wrote:Probably not. But if you have both RichFaces and Hibernate in the same app, you have 2 conflicting loggers and you need slf4j to integrate them.