Manish Thapliyal

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since Aug 07, 2007
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Recent posts by Manish Thapliyal

I have been told that both legacy & depracted refers to old classes which should not be used. But then what is diffrence?

Please explain me the differnce between deprecated class & legacy class.
When a class is called depreacted class & when it is called legacy class.
15 years ago
what happened on this forum also nonone is able to give an proper answer
15 years ago
Please explain me the differnce between deprecated class & legacy class.
When a class is called depreacted class & when it is called legacy class.
16 years ago
Please provide the explaination of the following:

1. class Test
16 years ago
in struts how to display a bean variable value in two lines.(write bean)
Actual my data is coming in long lines as it's huge data.
16 years ago
I had also searched these terms on Google but nothing find the useful if you have find then please forward me the link.
I have also read these terms in wikipedia, but i am unable to understand the difference between these.
16 years ago
Please explain the difference bwteen the framework,API,package & archtecture ?
I am unable to find the diferenece between these terms anywhere?
16 years ago
Its new JMM model & i am unable to understand the reodering & viblity terms.
can you explain in simple language.

Also how it can be posible that before the object is contructed you access a variable .
AS I understood, finallize() is protected not public because minimum accesbility for overriding is the protected.

But why finnalize() is not private i am unable to understand?
16 years ago
i have read it many times but its confusing for me . If you have understood then explain me .
why the finallizer() & clone method are protected . why not public or private
Please explain.
16 years ago
thanks marco for your reply
you were correct I have seen only the api method summary.

Actually i have reached to this question while searhing why the finallizer() & clone method are protected . why not public or private
Please explain.
16 years ago
Please watch the following code, I have a query about it.

Basically there are two classes Test2 & Test3 in the two different packages.

package test1;
public class Test2
{protected int test=8;}

package test3;
import test1.*;
class Test3 extends test1.Test2
//static int test5=getTest();
static Test3 t=new Test3();
public static void main(String a[])

Now class Test3 extend Test2.As Object is the root class then Test2 has java.lang.Object class as it's superclass.
So Test3 class indirectly inherits the Object Class.

No my query is that :
Object class has only two methods protected remaning are default(no access outside the package.)
Then is that means the class Test3 does not have access the other methods of Object class such as equals(),hashcode.
16 years ago

If this topic is so simple then why your answer is not clear.

Actually my proble is :

I have read that the final primitves are thread safe while object refrences do not ?
And the immutable onjects are not thread safe.

I am unable to understand the reason for the second one ?
Please clearly explain are final,volatile & immutable threadsafe with example?