swapnl patil

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since Aug 13, 2007
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Recent posts by swapnl patil

Hey problem solved. download new JAD from site and set the path for new JAD in eclipse.
13 years ago
Hi All,

I am getting following error in Eclipse while using JAD utility for class file.

please help me for this
13 years ago
If we add following in pom.xml in <plugins> section, It will work.

hey Peter thanks for help. I am also trying the solution you suggested.
13 years ago
Hi All,

getting following error while executing the command.
please help me to solve this. Its very Urgent.

13 years ago
Hi ,

When I Run mvn -P test eclispe:eclipse -e command

getting following exception

please help me to sort out this.

13 years ago
Thanks Lester and David for reply.
14 years ago
I cant Adopt both the solution. Its our business requirement.so I want some handler or something which will load the class according to request.
14 years ago
Hi All,

We are facing multiple class loading issue.
The class loader loads the class from some jar and next time its loads the same class from different jar.
We want to do something so that only specific class should get loaded from specific jar file.


14 years ago

Pratap koritala wrote:you can develop a front end UI with JAVA.

You need a interface with router or get a router which will save what you wanted in persistent.

Posting some random requirements and asking for help.....

I am not asking some random Requirements. If you know the solution then give answer,don't give your extra comment
14 years ago
Hi All,

I am developeing Website tracking Tool for wifi system.

This project is about tracking the various users visiting various web sites using intra net (wi fi) and to generate the log of the activities that is log in date, time, user name, password, sites visited, and to generate the log report.

Our output should look like:
-first the user authentication is done.
-it should give List of all IP addresses of pc's present in the wi-fi network
-then by using IP adress it should locate MAC address of each pc
- by using MAC address it should show what are happening on that m/c.i.e.it should track track all the navigation undergone by the employees while they work with the internet under the WIFI. Now the URL’s visited date, time of visit, the MAC address of the machine.

I am developing this system. please help me how to achieve this

Thanks in advance.

14 years ago

Bear Bibeault wrote:If the applications are in the same container, some containers allow cross-context communication. But since you haven't given us any info on that, who can say?

Bear can you please explain this in brief how to do ?
14 years ago
Sakthi please don’t post the same message in multiple forum. you are wasting people time . Please post message in appropriate forum.

14 years ago
Try to include the second page in first page using Jsp:include or Page Include directive .

let me know if you want more help.
14 years ago
JVM is OS dependent, different OS has different JVM thats why Java Is platform independent.

same thing for .Net CLR is different for differnet OS.
14 years ago